Police Looking into Tax Return Scam

Leading up to April 15th, I’m going to keep reminding you it’s that time of the year again, yes, Tax Scamming Season. This is when identity thieves come out of the woodwork and steal from good standing Americans who do the right thing and pay their taxes.

There are no shortages of bad people looking to take from good people. “Police officials say the case is still under investigation after it was first reported late last week, but are not sure whether the fraud occurred in that fake W-2 forms were submitted or whether real W-2 forms were submitted under fake identities.”

Tax scams can happen in a number of ways. The goal is always to get the victims refund. Every January we get W-2 forms in the mail. As an employee you receive a W-2 from the employer, which is a wage and tax statement for the year. Self employed people who do contract work may receive 1099s.

Scammers can steal these documents from your mailbox and use them as you would to file taxes under your name. Depending on what you claim, or how many dependants you may have, your refund can be substantial, which makes it a nice target to an identity thief.

Robert Siciliano personal security expert to Home Security Source discussing Tax Scams on Fox News