How to Protect Your Digital Identity Now and Save $10000s

In this world nothing can be said to be certain except for death, taxes, and now your information being stolen in a data breach. With more than 6 billion records compromised in the past two years your identity or company data is probably in the hands of a criminal. But there are a number of things you can do to protect yourself and your organization.

To begin, start with the basics so you understand the fundamentals. I suggest reading “5 Digital Security Tips That You Should Always Beware Of” to get up to speed and make sure you have systems in place to protect your data.

The worst thing consumers and employees do to make themselves and their companies vulnerable is they use the same weak password across multiple accounts. To protect the data in which you are entrusted with, it is best to use strong passwords and never use the same password twice. But the only effective way to accomplish this is by using a Password Manager. Read “Use a Password Manager Or You WILL Get Hacked” and your password woes will be over.

But even if you use a password manager you still need stronger login credentials and that’s where two factor authentication or two step verification comes in. This comprehensive post “Protecting Yourself from a Data Breach Requires Two Step Authentication” is everything you need to know to lock down access credentials on the top critical sites.

But that’s not all! There may be signs your device is infected and this post “Top 10 Signs of a Malware Infection on Your Computer” will help you protect yourself and help clean up any malware mess.

If you are a small business, or just like cool reads then “10 Internet Security Myths that Small Businesses Should Be Aware Of” will help you focus on what’s most important in network security.

If you have a mobile phone, and I know you do, whether you’re in business or not, the “Top 10 Tips for Securing Your Mobile Devices and Sensitive Client Data” is an essential read to protect that little dangerous computer you carry around that may get hacked, lost or stolen.

And finally the most significant overlooked aspects of social media are online reputation management concerns and malicious security vulnerabilities on social sites. This must read “Protect Your Company with This Social Media Security Advice” should be shared with everyone in your organization.