Donate To A Trusted Cause This Winter

Just appease me on this post. Please.

Can you call yourself a “philanthropist”? The definition of philanthropy is “a friend to humanity”.  Are you a friend to humanity? Are you? Think about it.

If you’ve never watched Schindlers List, or haven’t watched it in the past 10 years, do what you need to consume this great film right now and absorb its lessons.

No matter whom you are or what you do, your life to some degree has some repetition that involves some form of a grind that can detract from seeing what is most important.

In the northeast, we are going thru a winter unlike one I’ve seen since I was a kid. The news is filled with people complaining about winter.  Whatever.

If you’re “suffering” through a harsh winter, do what I’m doing, don’t fight it, build and ice skating rink in your back yard. And give all the coats in your closet that you don’t use to a homeless shelter.

When people complain, it is due 100% to a lack of perspective. Perspective is knowing that it could be worse, it’s embracing gratitude, it’s knowing that there are millions without, while you are with.

Tithing: paying forward and expecting nothing in return. Tithing contributes to philanthropy.  When was the last time you gave?  When was the last time you received an email to make a donation to whatever cause and you didn’t because things are too tight? No matter how tight, I can guarantee whatever cause that person was donating their time to was for people who are far more disadvantaged than you are.

Next time that email comes in or the call from a trusted source that needs a contribution, please give $25/50/100 or more, and make a difference. Humanity needs you.

Robert Siciliano personal and home security specialist to Home Security Source discussing sharing too much information online on Fox News.