Entries by Robert Siciliano

How the Average Consumer Can Keep Their Smartphone Secure and Private, a Conversation with Identity Theft Expert, Robert Siciliano

By David Geer (bio: http://www.linkedin.com/in/daviddgeer) “A mobile phone is lost every 3.5 seconds. More than half of those devices are smartphones. 40% are not password protected.” – Identity Theft Expert, Robert Siciliano Smartphones outnumber PCs. Though the devices are more personal than “personal” computers, they can certainly be less secure. Malware (mal = bad, ware…

Keeping Tabs on Your Kids From the Office

Look, I hear this all the time: “I want to respect my children’s privacy, but I also want to keep tabs on them.” OK, I get it. Kids need their privacy. But at what age does that start? In my mind, they can have their privacy at 18 years of age—because up until that time,…

Why Home Security Matters

Your home is your castle, as they say. This means it’s supposed to be a place of safety, security and respite. But what happens when it’s burglarized and it’s no longer that safe haven? I’ll tell you: people move. And they are never the same after. Let’s face it—people are crazy. Some studies have shown…

Why Should You be Careful When Using Hotspots or Free Wi-Fi?

These days, it’s not uncommon for us to connect to Wi-Fi wherever we go. In fact, we’ve come to expect there will be a Wi-Fi connection—at hotels, coffee shops, airports, and now even on some flights—pretty much everywhere. While the ability to connect just about anywhere is convenient, it also has opened the door for…

Does Identity Theft Protection Really Work?

Do identity protection service really work? How effective are their scanning/monitoring methods? Can they truly protect consumers? The answers may vary. Identity theft protection is designed to protect you from new lines of credit being opened in your name—and along with the recovery/restoration component, it’s designed to clean up the mess. It’s safe to say I’m…

Location-based GPS Services are Risky

It’s pretty simple: Your mobile’s global positioning system (GPS) functionality allows location-based services to locate and publish information about your whereabouts on various applications and within the code of photos posted online. Various applications allow you to “check in” using your mobile and share your whereabouts with the world. These applications tap into your device’s…

Card Issuers Losing $562 in Costs to Grey Charges

Hey merchants, yes you, BillGuard released a report that examined the grey charge problem among US debit and credit cardholders and the service costs impacting card issuers and retailers. The report revealed 11 types of deceptive ‘grey charges’ that retailers use to mislead consumers in their sales and billing practices. Yaron Samid, founder and CEO…

Top 10 Components of the Ultimate Home Security System

You’ve been thinking about getting a home security system but haven’t because you want to do it right and not invest in old, outdated technology. Well, you’re in luck, because now’s the time. Home security system technology is as advanced as it’s ever been, and just about anyone can afford a basic system—and, for a…

15 Tips for Back And Forth To School Security

The security-minded folks at Schlage locks want America’s families to know their options as their kids head back and forth to school. Always keep in mind that security is like the journey to school; it’s an ongoing process that requires you to keep your head up and be aware of your surroundings at all times.…

Top 10 Identity Theft Scams

There are no shortage of ways identity thieves have to scam you out of your credit, cash and identity. Here are 10 more ways criminals pounce on their victims: Mailbox raiding. Moments after the postal carrier drops off your mail, a crackhead comes by and steals it. Dumpster diving. You know that mortgage company that…