Entries by Robert Siciliano

5 Ways to Protect Your Credit Card

Credit card fraud happens in a number of ways. Sometimes your bank or credit card company will notify you of fraud and other times they won’t. So it’s up to you protect yourself. Smart retailers on the other hand are already protecting consumers behind the scenes by implementing multiple layers of fraud protection.   1. Whenever…

6 More Tips for Apartment Security

Did you know that 1 of every 5 homes will experience a break-in or violent home invasion? And that 80 percent of break-ins occur forcibly through a locked door—and, even scarier, that a burglary occurs every 15 seconds in the United States? And if you live in an apartment, the National Crime Prevention Council says you will…

Secure Your Identity When Traveling

As summer travel starts to pick up, consumers need to be aware when they’re preparing for, or going on, summer vacations. Stealing your mail. While you’re on vacation, your mailbox fills up with credit card offers and bank statements. The bad guy can steal this mail and use it to open new credit cards in your…

Drug-addicted Teen Burglar Sentenced to Prison

Burglars aren’t the people you see in the movies driving expensive cars, living lavish lifestyles and vacationing in the Caribbean. Burglars are usually addicted to drugs, unemployed because of their habit, and have sucked the lives and savings out of their families and so must turn to crime to get their fix. You’ve heard “desperate…

A Brief History of Home Security Locks

Have you ever actually read the name stamped on your door locks or key? I always have – and I’ve equipped every home I’ve ever bought with Schlage. You can check out my favorite locks at Schlage.com. Locks keep families and businesses safe and secure from predators. Door knob jiggling is the most effective way…

10 Million Mobile VPN Users Can’t Be Wrong

A virtual private network (VPN) is a network set up to communicate privately over a public network. For example: You occasionally want to or need to work from home and your employer knows that if you do, the data that travels between your PC and an office PC needs to be protected. Another example is…

Social Media A Big Risk To Banks

For more than a decade criminals have been attacking online banking successfully by one upping security professionals their and clients by creating viruses to bypass existing security measures. In response security companies offer new technologies to fight new threats and federal regulators have continually updated their compliance rules in response to existing vulnerabilities. However one…

6 Tips for the Family PC Fixer

Are you your family CFE? (In other words, Chief Fix Everything?)If it needs repair, do they come to you? That’s me. If it’s wood, metal or plastic, I can cut it, glue it, screw it or weld it. If it’s electrical or electronic, I’ve already broken it and now I know how to fix it.…

Banks Big And Small Targets of Cyber Gangs

Brilliance historically is often expressed in the simplest of technologies, the wheel or the light bulb are perfect examples. Today brilliance is often attributed to advances in technologies that cure illness, solve problems and make life easier. In the past decade coders, programmers and hackers of all kinds are coming up with the simplest to…