Entries by Robert Siciliano

Home Invasion Victims Fight Back

The term self-defense in general means fighting back; by definition, it means “defending oneself.” However, I’ve always preferred the never-used term self-offense, which in my mind means attacking the attacker before he has a chance to attack you. Anyway, two recent home invasion stories demonstrate a little self-defense and self-offense as the “victims” become victorious…

How to Use Foursquare to Get Free WiFi

https://safr.me/webinar/  | Robert Siciliano is the #1 Security Expert in the United States with over 25 years of experience! He is here to help you become more aware of the risks and strategies to help protect yourself, your family, your business, and your entire life. Robert brings identity theft, personal security, fraud prevention and cyber…

“Old” Malware Attacks Rising Significantly

Earlier this week McAfee Labs™ released the McAfee Threats Report: First Quarter 2013, which reported that malware shows no sign of changing its steady growth, which has risen steeply during the last two quarters. Many of the most significant growth trends from previous three quarters actually went into remission, while older types of attacks and what…

High-end, High-tech Home Security

There’s really no limit to how much money can be spent on home security if you want to ensure the very best home security for your family and money isn’t a huge concern. Note that while some of these options are affordable, others are very expensive. Keyless door locks: As you might expect, keyless door…

5 More Mobile Security Tips

A cybercriminal’s full time job is creating new crimes, and he or she will make full use of technology to hide their activities to fool you. And with mobile devices, this is no different. The threat to our mobile devices is also high because our smartphones are always connected, they usually carry some personal data,…

5 Mobile Security Tips

Cybercrime is one of the most lucrative illegal businesses of our time, and it shows no signs of slowing down. Over the last decade, cybercriminals have developed new and increasingly sophisticated ways of capitalizing on the explo­sion of Internet users, and they face little danger of being caught. Meanwhile, consumers are con­fronted with greater risks…

Do You Know What Your Kids Are Hiding?

Many of you as parents may think, “not much” when asked this question. But in reality, it’s probably a lot more than you think. So it should come as no surprise to anyone that McAfee’s 2013 study, Digital Deception: Exploring the Online Disconnect between Parents and Kids, which examines the online habits and interests of tweens, teens, and…

Gold Farming A Chinese Full Time Job

Gold farmers play massive multiplayer online games, not for fun, but to accumulate virtual currency, or “gold,” which can then be sold to other players, despite the fact that most game operators explicitly ban the exchange of in-game currency for cash. Gold farming is so lucrative, people in China and other developing nations can support…