Entries by Robert Siciliano

10 Tips to Safe Online Shopping

How times have changed. I can remember when Christmas didn’t start until after Thanksgiving—not before Halloween as we see things in stores and online now. Seems like the holiday season and decorations start earlier and earlier every year. But one thing that hasn’t changed is that Black Friday is still a big shopping day. And…

10 Secure Online Holiday Shopping Tips

Holiday shopping is easy, convenient and it can be secure too. Here are 10 tips to a secure online shopping experience during the holiday season: Avoid spoofed websites. Common sense says any time you receive an offer via an e-mail automatically be suspicious. The same goes with offers via tweets and messages received in any social…

Internet Security Isn’t Getting Any Prettier

Malicious software (malware) is, in many ways, very well understood. Security experts know how it works and why. Cybercriminals’ motivations are pretty straightforward—making money from malware and related attacks. In the latest McAfee Threats Report: Q3 2012 , malware is still growing and while it’s not growing quite as fast as it was in previous quarters, the…

Mobile Malware is Here: Beware!

iPhones, Androids and other smartphones are much more than just a way to call our friends and family and store their phone numbers. Today’s smartphones have become our most personal computer and contain much more than pictures and contacts. They now allow us to access financial data, bank accounts, and medical information from anywhere at…

Benefits of an Electronic Passport While Traveling

With the U.S. requiring ePassports or Visas from visitors as standard, and the European Union’s push for electronic travel documents, authorities are now requiring citizens to have new, safe ID documents, giving themselves and their citizens the peace of mind they need. An Electronic Passport is the same as a traditional passport with the addition…

Cyber-Scrooges Set in Motion the 12 Scams of Holidays

The holidays are supposed to be a fun-filled time for celebrating with family and friends, but cybercriminals see this as a time of opportunity. They look to take advantage of us during this time when we’re in the spirit of giving and when we’re scrambling to get our gifts purchased, trees trimmed and donations made.…

1 in 4 Report Being a Victim of Card Fraud

The 2012 Global Card Fraud Survey by ACI Worldwide represents the insights and opinions of more than 5200 card holders from 17 countries and focuses exclusively on the impact to the card holder and their state of mind. Residents of Mexico and the United States reported the highest rate of card fraud experience. Some of…