Entries by Robert Siciliano

Security Snapshot: How Is EMV Safer?

To understand why EMV credit cards—or “chip and PIN” cards—are safer, first we must understand  standard magnetic stripe cards. The familiar magnetic stripe, which can be seen on all credit cards carried in the United States, has been around for more than four decades. The security technology behind the magnetic stripe has been compromised, since…

European Cybercrime Not Slowing Down

Device reputation authority iovation published a report revealing that the number of fraudulent transactions originating from Europe has risen dramatically over the past two years. From April 2011 to April 2012, iovation prevented approximately 15 million fraudulent online transactions in Europe. That’s an increase of 60% over the previous year. The rate of European fraud…

Summer home security tips before traveling

As you pack your car for your next road trip, realize someone’s probably watching. Burglars watch. They look for signs you are traveling. They look for outside lights on 24 hours a day. They look for dark homes inside at nighttime. They look for no car in the driveway, mail and newspapers piled up or…

Access Control for Small Business Owners

Knowing who enters and exits your business at all times of the day give the business owner greater control. Having the ability to limit unauthorized entry to your business to certain employees, ex-employees at different times of the day are just a few of the benefits of access control systems. Knowing you can help to…

How to Handle a Credit Card Breach While Abroad

One of the best and worst parts of traveling overseas is being immersed in a different language. My wife and I once got lost in Naples, Italy. When we pulled over and asked a stranger for directions, he answered in rapid Italian, which we don’t speak. We had no idea what he was saying, but…

Are Tablets Just As Vulnerable As Mobile Phones?

With unit sales of smartphones and tablets eclipsing those of desktop and notebook PCs, cybercriminals will continue setting their sights on mobile, and increased mobile Internet use will continue exacerbating security and data breach issues. McAfee Labs™ points out today’s tablets are more powerful than notebooks were just a few years ago. Although their lack of…

Identity Thief Gets 4 Years in Club Fed

Four years and six months doesn’t seem like a particularly severe sentence for a thief in Washington state who stole 15 people’s identities, including four police officers, created fake driver’s licenses, washed checks, and used “mules” to steal sensitive documents, make purchases with stolen credit, and sell the merchandise. The thief’s attorneys described him as…

Mobile Wallets—How I Make Mobile Payments Securely

Some say there will be a day when the wallet you carry in your pocket or purse will become obsolete. The plan is to eliminate all our credit cards, store cards, and IDs and use our mobile phones as our primary means of commerce and identification. The technology behind mobile wallet or mobile POS (point…

Preparing for Your Summer Vacation Overseas

If you plan to travel abroad this summer, you should be aware that your usual credit or debit card may not work overseas. In other countries, particularly in Europe, EMV or “chip and PIN” cards are standard. Many merchants will not or cannot accept U.S. cards with magnetic stripes, which could put you in a…

How EMV Impacts International Travel

In the United States, credit and debit cards rely on magnetic stripe technology. The magnetic stripe is the black, brown, gold, or silver band on the back of your credit or debit card. Tiny, iron-based magnetic particles in this band store your account number. When the card is swiped through a “reader,” the data stored…