Entries by Robert Siciliano

Mobile Wallets—How I Make Mobile Payments Securely

Some say there will be a day when the wallet you carry in your pocket or purse will become obsolete. The plan is to eliminate all our credit cards, store cards, and IDs and use our mobile phones as our primary means of commerce and identification. The technology behind mobile wallet or mobile POS (point…

Preparing for Your Summer Vacation Overseas

If you plan to travel abroad this summer, you should be aware that your usual credit or debit card may not work overseas. In other countries, particularly in Europe, EMV or “chip and PIN” cards are standard. Many merchants will not or cannot accept U.S. cards with magnetic stripes, which could put you in a…

How EMV Impacts International Travel

In the United States, credit and debit cards rely on magnetic stripe technology. The magnetic stripe is the black, brown, gold, or silver band on the back of your credit or debit card. Tiny, iron-based magnetic particles in this band store your account number. When the card is swiped through a “reader,” the data stored…

OSHA First Aid Kit for Small Businesses

OSHA’s Occupational Safety and Health Standards business regulations requires first aid kits for certain types of businesses. However no matter the nature of your business, it is not unreasonable to have a basic first aid kit on hand. The following first aid kit list sets forth the minimally acceptable number and type of first-aid supplies…

June is Home Safety Month

You may think all the corners of tables in my hope are protected with soft pillows and my kids are wrapped in bubble wrap. No, but there are few safety hazards and yes, my kids are wrapped in bubble wrap. We helicopter parent the heck out of them and I can’t think of any other…

What Does It Take To Be Digitally Secure?

Let’s get one thing straight: it’s no longer possible to deny that your life in the physical world and your digital life are one and the same. Meaning, while you are present here on the ground, you also exist online, whether you know it or like it or not. Coming to terms with this reality…

U.S. Department of State Shares Red Flags to Identify Dating Scams

Online dating scams have become a worldwide issue. A study presented at the annual meeting of the British Psychological Society in London found that people with strong romantic beliefs who idealize their romantic partners are most likely to fall victim to online dating scams. Meanwhile, the U.S. Department of State has posted an advisory warning…

How Do I Protect Myself When Using Wi-Fi?

Wi-Fi is everywhere. Whether you travel for business or simply need Internet access while out and about, your options are plentiful. You can sign on at airports, hotels, coffee shops, fast food restaurants, and now, even airplanes. Wi-Fi wasn’t born to be secure; it was born to be convenient. Wireless networks broadcast messages using radio…

Federal Investigators Bust Credit Fraud Ring

A federal investigation dubbed “Operation Open Market” recently yielded 19 arrests in nine states, for crimes including identity theft and counterfeit credit card trafficking. The defendants allegedly participated in “Carder.su,” a Las Vegas-based transnational ring that bought and sold stolen personal and financial information and manufactured counterfeit IDs and credit and debit cards in order…

Devising a Family Emergency Action Plan

Tragedy happens. Mother Nature, manmade disasters, accidents and freak occurrences require families to have some form of emergency action plan or evacuation plan.  The best defense to aver tragedy is having systems in place. The Red Cross is known for their disaster response strategy and they have put together a comprehensive list of steps to…