Entries by Robert Siciliano

What The FFIEC Is Doing to Protect You and Your Bank

FFIEC is the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council which is a government body empowered to prescribe uniform principles, standards and report forms for the federal examination of financial institutions by and for numerous other government, public, private and financial entities. If there is a “good” place for your tax dollars to head, it’s to the…

Social Networking Security Awareness

One in five online consumers has been a victim of cybercrime in the past two years. Social networking is a direct link to the problem. While social networks allow you to keep in touch with family and friends, there are issues to be concerned about. Most concerns revolve around online reputation management, identity theft, or…

Your “Status” is Important to Others

People have always paid attention to your status. Now they do it on social media. Status is your “standing” in society. It could mean whether you are married, employed, rich, poor, saving the world, up to no good, home or not. Status in terms of home security begins with your whereabouts. By now we should…

This Doesn’t Happen In Small Towns

If you have children you know what worry is. If you have a daughter you worry times ten. I have 2 daughters and I worry times 10,000. Worrying is unproductive however, but taking action can and putting your worry to work can create positive results. In a small Massachusetts town a recently graduated and talented…

15 Tips To Better Password Security

Protect your information by creating a secure password that makes sense to you, but not to others. Most people don’t realize there are a number of common techniques used to crack passwords and plenty more ways we make our accounts vulnerable due to simple and widely used passwords. How to get hacked Dictionary attacks: Avoid…

How to Reset Your Gmail Password After Being Hacked

I finally got one of those “I’m stuck in London” emails. My friend Kate’s Gmail account was hacked, and everyone on her contact list received an email from a hacker posing as Kate: “Hi, Apologies, but I made a quick trip, to London,United Kingdom and got mugged, my bag, stolen from me with my passport…

Spear Phishing Leaves a Bloody Wound

Once criminal hackers get a person’s username and email address, they can begin to launch a targeted spear phish scam. Scammers copy the design of each breached entities outgoing email campaign and blast the breached list with “account update” or other ruses. Gaming site Sega Pass was hacked. On the Sega Pass website it states,…

Security Threat Concerns ATM Industry

Today, there are over 2.2 million ATMs worldwide, and by 2015 there will be around 3 million. ATM skimming accounts for as much as 30% of all data theft. That’s about $350,000 in fraud every day in the United States alone, or more than a billion dollars a year. The ATM Industry Association is now…

Home Invader Says God Told Him to Do it

Of all the things God would tell you to do, would it be break into someone’s house? Probably not. He might tell you to go invest in a home security system to prevent a home invasion but otherwise….no, I don’t think so. Gawker reports “The Connecticut native was arrested for breaking into a stranger’s home,…