Entries by Robert Siciliano

Passwords in Real Life: Don’t be Lazy

It’s tough being responsible sometimes. And managing responsibilities for what is precious in your life usually takes a little extra thought.  Let’s say you’ve just welcomed a beautiful set of triplets into the world.  Lucky you . . . and lots to managed! But, you wouldn’t give all these babies the same name simply to…

Stay Safe While Traveling this Summer

So, when you think about summer travel safety, what comes to mind? Which beach you’ll be lounging on? Sunburns? Shark attacks? While sunburns and vacation plans are rational concerns most have when traveling during the summer, shark attacks are a new one. With all of the news of recent shark attacks, people are now anxious…

Private Investigator faces Jail for Hacking

What a disgrace: A private investigator, Eric Saldarriaga, 41, got nailed for hacking into peoples’ e-mails. He may get six months in the can. Is six months reasonable for this, though? A recent online New York Times article quotes a prosecutor who points out that hackers could be deterred by the threat of harsh penalties—because…

Things to tell your Kids about Privacy Online

Those were the days when all parents had to worry about was the creepy guy lurking near the playground. Now parents have to worry about creeps all over the world reaching their kids via computer. And there’s more to worry about. Here’s what to teach your kids: Screen names should not be revealing about location,…

Why Hacking is a National Emergency

Foreign hackers, look out: Uncle Sam is out to get you. President Obama has issued an order that allows the State Department and Treasury Departments to immobilize the financial assets of anyone out-of country suspected of committing or otherwise being involved in cyber crimes against the U.S. kThis order, two years in the making, covers…

How to sign out of all Google Accounts

Let’s cut to the chase (never mind how you misplaced your phone): There are several ways to sign out of your Google accounts remotely. It takes three steps, and you’ll need the desktop version of Google. On a mobile use a browser opposed to the Gmail/Google app and sign in at gmail.com. Seek out “Desktop…

Police offer 18 Burglary Prevention Tips

To help keep your home and property safe from crime, the New Castle County Police Department provides the following guidelines: Sounds like a no-brainer, but so many people do otherwise: Keep your doors locked at all times. People will actually go to sleep with the front door unlocked. Doors should be locked with a deadbolt…