Entries by Robert Siciliano

Are You being followed on Foot or by Car? What to do

One of the things I impress upon people is what never to do, and what TO do, if they suspect they’re being followed on foot or by car. Don’t be oblivious to your surroundings. Observe everything 50-100 feet around the perimeter of your body as you move from point A to point B. Note anything…

7 Lies You tell Yourself about Your Wifi

…think again, even if most of your wireless network activities revolve around your personal and family life. There are seven lies about wireless protection; have you fallen prey to any of them? #1 “I’m protected with my password.” Even an amateur hacker can get past a password. Don’t think that WEP (wired equivalent privacy) can…

Insurance Company fined BIG for Breach

Why would an insurance company be fined for a data breach? There was a security breach at Triple-S Salud, Inc. (TSS), which is a subsidiary of Triple-S Management GTS. The Puerto Rico Health Insurance Administration plans on imposing a $6.8 million fine on TSS. The breach involved 13,336 of TSS’s Dual Eligible Medicare beneficiaries. The…

Chip and PIN or Chip and Signature?

OK, there’s lots going on here. Read slowly and wrap your brain around this. So which offers more security? Chip-and-PIN or chip-and-signature for your card payments? Chip-and-PIN wins. This is due to two authentication forms: the card and the PIN, which is stored in your head (or should be, anyways, rather than on some small…

How To Stop Criminal Hackers In Their Tracks

Do you offer free WiFi? Put these three safeguards in place to protect your customers and your business. On a recent trip from Boston to New York on an Acela Express train, I was writing blogs and doing some research using Amtrak’s free wireless Internet. “Free” usually translates to “unsecured,” which means a criminal hacker…

What is a Denial-of-Service Attack?

You may have heard news reports about popular websites such as CNN, Amazon and Yahoo! being taken down by a DoS attack, but have you ever wondered what DoS means? This common tech term stands for “denial-of-service,” where an attacker attempts to prevent legitimate users from accessing a website entirely or slowing it down to…

10 Simple Tips to Bank Safely Online

One of the issues I’m passionate about, as an online-security analyst, is that of banking safely online; so I recommend the following simple tips to help ensure your security in cyberspace. Wired ethernet link. This offers more security than does a powerline or Wi-Fi network. In fact, the powerline carries your data via electrical wires—not…

Health Care Information Breaches rise

Medical errors can also mean medical identity theft—accounting for 43 percent of all 2013 identity theft in the U.S., says the Identity Theft Resource Center. Medical identity theft kicks other forms of ID theft to the curb: banking, finance, government, military and education. Fraudsters invade health data to illegally obtain prescription drugs, services or devices…