Entries by Robert Siciliano

Schlage Touchscreen Deadbolts are Smart!

Deadbolt technology just gets smarter and smarter. There are now electronic deadbolts that can be manipulated with an integrated keypad, a smartphone or opened with a key. After all, relying on the traditional key can be a nuisance, for obvious reasons. The Camelot Style deadbolt from Schlage offers the latest technology. The device can be…

How do I protect Myself engaged in the Internet of Things?

The Internet of Things—IoT—is a formal term referring to distinctly identifiable objects (cars, kitchen appliances, smartphones) and their cyber-representations on the Internet. By 2020, it’s projected by at least one expert that there will be over 30 billion “things” represented virtually. All of this gives rise to increased security risk that seems almost paranormal. The…

Cloud Computing 101

A public cloud service can bring on five risks to a business. Here they are, and their solutions. The three A’s: authentication, authorization, access control. Here are some questions to ponder about a cloud service: How often does it clean up dormant accounts? What kind of authentication is necessary for a privileged user? Who can…

5 Technology Tips to navigate Winter Travel

Being stuck at an airport due to winter weather can be a real downer, but with an assortment of devices, apps and other instruments for connecting to the world, you can make that down time pass in a jiffy. With today’s technology, gone are the days where you nearly go bonkers doing endless crossword puzzles…

Burglars busted bolstering Buffoonery

Social media makes dumb criminals look (and act) even dumber. Take the case of Damian and Rolando Lozano of Texas, who were suspected of stealing items from 17 cars in the town of Rosenberg. Damian was caught, but Rolando was still out there somewhere. The Rosenberg police posted Rolando’s photo on their Facebook page, hoping…

10 Credit Score Truths and Myths

If your personal information gets compromised, a thief will open up financial accounts in your name. However, they will not pay the bills, and this will ruin your credit. Whether bad credit results from the legitimate credit holder’s irresponsibility or from identity theft, your ability to buy a car, rent a nice place, purchase a…

Older Technologies Facilitate Credit Card Fraud

America the Superpower is also the super choice for criminals wanting to steal credit card information. Security experts warn that this problem will get worse before it improves. That ancient technology of the magnetic strip on the back of credit and debit cards is a godsend to criminals. The easy-to-copy band stores account information using…

Tax Season Scams Bite Businesses

There are numerous tax related scams out there. And as a business or even a consumer, forewarned is forearmed. Tax relief. Predators scan through tax lien notices to see who’s in deep with the IRS, then offer them tax relief services which are fraudulent. You pay them, and voila, your money not only is gone,…

Find Missing Kids with SafetyLink

Find your lost car keys, smartphone and abducted child. Yes, you read that correctly: There’s now a device that can locate your missing child (or wandering elderly grandmother). And the device that can do this is TINY. Imagine a device that can be used as a keychain and not only locate missing people, but your…

“Predictive Analytics”: Technologies that read your Mind

There’s an app that can practically read your mind via your mobile device. The technology is called predictive analysis, and Google’s Now app is at the forefront. Other apps that utilize predictive analysis include Grokr and Osito: predicting the smartphone user’s next move. How does this work? Snippets of information are assembled via an algorithm,…