
Ins and Outs of Call Center Security

Companies that want to employ at-home workers for their call centers to save money and reduce the hassles of office space have to look at security considerations. In addition to thorough vetting of the agents and their equipment, organizations also need to ensure that the security is top-notch. A cloud-based contact center combats these issues. 3DHere are some considerations:

  • Will it anger customers to have an agent who can’t speak clear English? Not only does poor speech of the employee drive some customers away, it also concerns customers who are accessing their data over seas.

When choosing an outsourcer, organizations look for important factors including: (1) agent language capabilities, (2) security capabilities, and (3) financial stability of the outsourcer. – Study conducted by Ovum

  • There comes a point where businesses need to put customer comfort first, especially when it comes to security, such as in the case of healthcare and financial concerns—more complex issues. “Homeshoring” eliminates the awkwardness that sometimes arises when someone is trying to bushwhack through the broken English of the customer support. Though homeshoring will cost companies more, this will be offset by lower turnover rates, small learning curve and a higher rate of first-call resolution.
  • Telecommuters (agents) should be screened vigorously, including (as a minimum) a background check for Social Security Number, criminal history and citizenship.
  • Then, a contract should be drawn up that should include an agreement to customer confidentiality as well as learning specifications.
  • A system should allow the customer to enter, via phone keypad, sensitive information such as credit card number—but without the agent seeing this entry.
  • Sessions between agents and customers can be infringed upon by hackers who want to gain access or snoop, creating a need for an end-to-end security system.
  • Zero-day attacks, which give hackers access, are a big threat. To prevent this, companies must have regularly updated and patched-up systems.
  • A firewall is a must, for server protection and back-end systems.
  • Also a must is two-factor authentication. This superb verification method includes the factor of device location and other identifiers. An agent must have a way of receiving a one-time code sent by the company to gain access to a critical system. A hacker, for instance, won’t be in possession of an agents cell phone to receive the texted code.
  • In tandem with two-factor authentication, the cloud service should require a very uncrackable password so that only at-home agents can gain access. A strong password is at least eight characters (preferably 12) and contains caps and lower case letters, plus numbers and other characters like #, $ and @.
  • Cloud services should be 100 percent PCI Level 1 compliant. To enhance security, have a minimum of two PCI-compliant data centers.

Offshoring and outsourcing for call center agents places an even higher demand for security—which is already greatly needed by virtue of the at-home, virtual workplace. When choosing an outsourcing solution consider all of the above. Ask lots of questions and get quality references.

Robert Siciliano is a Personal privacy, security  and identity theft expert to Arise discussing identity theft prevention. Disclosures.

How to prepare for Digital Disasters

Editor’s Note: In this week’s guest blog security expert Robert Siciliano explains how to protect your IT systems and your business from hardware failure. To learn more, download our new e-book, “5 Things Small Businesses Need to Know about Disaster Recovery.”

3DIt is September and that means National Preparedness Month: an ideal time to get involved in your community’s safety. Make plans to stay safe, and this includes keeping ongoing communications alive. National Preparedness Month culminates September 30th with National PrepareAthon! Day.

I can’t believe that people who heavily rely on a computer for business will still suddenly report to clients, “My computer crashed; can you resend me all the files?” What? Wait!

Why aren’t these people backing up their data on a frequent basis? If your computer is central to your business you should back up your data a minimum of once a day to protect against the following threats:

  • Computer hack
  • Unintentional deletion
  • Theft
  • Water or fire damage
  • Hard drive crash

To make daily data backups less daunting, carefully sift through all of your files to rid old, useless ones and organize still-needed ones. A mess of files with a common theme all over the desktop can be consolidated into a single folder.

Protecting your data begins with keeping your computer in a safe, secure, locked location, but this is only the first (and weakest) layer of protection. The next step is to automatically back up data to the cloud. The third layer is to use local backups, ideally use sync software that offers routine backups to multiple local drives. It’s also important to use antimalware security software to prevent attacks from hackers.

Additional Tips for Small Businesses Make de-cluttering a priority by deleting unnecessary digital files. This will help the computer run faster and help your daily backups run more quickly. Take some time to sift through your programs and delete the useless ones.

It’s also a good idea to clean up your disk regularly. Windows users can find the disk cleanup tool by going to the Performance Information and Tools section under the Control Panel.

Go to the control panel and hit “Hardware and Sound.” Then click “Power Options.” Choosing the recommended “balanced” power setting will benefit the hard drive.

Every two to three years, reinstall your operating system to keep your hard drive feeling like a spring chicken.

The prevention tactics above apply to businesses and really, everyone. Employees should be rigorously trained on proactive security and tricks that cyber thieves use. To learn more about preparing your small business against the common accidents of everyday life, download Carbonite’s e-book, “5 Things Small Businesses Need to Know about Disaster Recovery.”

#1 Best Selling Author Robert Siciliano CSP, CEO of is a United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla Staff Officer of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security whose motto is Semper Paratus (Always Ready). He is a four time Boston Marathoner, Private Investigator and is fiercely committed to informing, educating, and empowering people so they can be protected from violence and crime in the physical and virtual worlds. As a Certified Speaking Professional his “tell it like it is” style is sought after by major media outlets, executives in the C-Suite of leading corporations, meeting planners, and community leaders. Disclosures.

Work from Home isn’t the Scam It used to be

Many, including me, have reported for years about all the “work at home” scams. And frankly, there are still plenty out there, unless you know where to look. There has never been more opportunity to legitimately earn a living working at home, and NOT get scammed.

12DMothers with young kids aren’t the only ones working at home (telecommuting) these days. The “WAHMs” have lots of company.

The Internet has allowed people of all ages and educational levels to do this, including retirees. Many online jobs are linked to legitimate companies that have made provisions for the telecommuting.

  • More and more companies are recognizing the cost savings of setting up telecommuting positions.
  • Telecommuting boosts morale and thus, productivity, which includes increased work duration.
  • Positions involving 100 percent telecommuting often mean making up ones own schedule. There really is no limit to the flexibility telecommuting allows.
  • The definition of “telecommuter” traditionally has been that of someone employed full-time by a business but spends at least 50 percent of worktime at home. Nowadays it refers to even working just one day a week at home. Telecommuting also refers to the entrepreneur, such as the prolific blogger.
  • “Telecommuting” also encompasses working at home beyond the 40-hour work week onsite, such as making reports and answering e-mails in the living room.

Telecommuting may not be for everyone. But more and more people are finding it to be the only way they want to make a living.

Possible Drawbacks

  • Limitations in face-to-face contact with coworkers and clients, though Skype helps. For many, this is a non issue.
  • Lack of a centralized location for companies in which the entire workforce is remote. Who cares! You don’t want to leave your home and fight traffic anyway!
  • Inability to monitor activities of other personnel. It’s better to be your own boss and not have to manage people, trust me on that.
  • Fewer promotions. Just go into it knowing you can always change positions and still make more $$ with different job descriptions.
  • Loneliness. I’ve never found this to be an issue.

Additional Benefits

  • Significant savings in money: gas, repairs on car from wear and tear, parking fees, wardrobe, childcare, dog sitter or doggie daycare
  • Healthier eating (no vending machine runs)
  • Being able to help with sudden family matters
  • Not being exposed to workplace hostility or other problems such as the nearby coworker who keeps whistling or popping gum, or the employee with the foul body odor
  • The employer saves a lot of money (no office space).

Security Concerns

  • Telecommuters who allow other family members to use the work computer; this opens the door to infections or accidentally leaking company information.
  • The work computer should be off-limits to all other use, even if it seems harmless such as shopping or perusing Facebook.
  • The telecommuter’s household should have at least one other computer for all other use including e-mail accounts.
  • The computer should be located in a secure, private area of the house so that nosy family members or visitors don’t gain access to company information.
  • Storing work related data in a public cloud service; all data should be stored in a backup that’s part of the company network.
  • There may also be some risk in storing company data on a flash drive (it can be lost and eventually found by the wrong person).
  • The telecommuter takes the computer to a public Wi-Fi spot and uses it there, where data can be “seen” by snoops and hackers.
  • Using an unsecure Wi-Fi at home. The worker must make sure that the home Wi-Fi is secure.
  • The employee should never tinker with the company’s administrative and security settings.

All in all work at home is a viable and safe option for anyone who recognizes both the pros and cons, (mostly pros).

Robert Siciliano is a Personal privacy, security  and identity theft expert to Arise discussing identity theft prevention. Disclosures.

Work at Home Environment is a Safe, Secure Solution

There was a time when online dating was a novelty, perceived as unsafe. Today, 59 percent of people agree that online dating is a good way to meet others (Pew Research, 2015). In fact, it’s the preferred method of matchmaking. A different online environment with similar views from the public is working from home. People who want to work at home fear its safety and security, understandably. But working from home is already a safe and secure proposition as far as finding a job and creating a safe environment in your home.

12DStart with reputable “outsource” companies.

Avoid the potential of being scammed. Outsourcers are the companies that agents form partnerships. The big, well-known organizations that want the best people at its frontlines go to outsourcers that have already vetted work at home agents. Additionally, outsourcers that provide work at home opportunities often provide clients with secure platforms and the best tools necessary for both agents, clients and customers to be successful in their interactions. Outsourcers often provide the most legitimate telecommuting opportunities. One such provider is Arise Virtual Solutions.

Customer service jobs.

Think of companies that have big customer support departments. Many have opportunities for working at home because, as you may have guessed, this saves companies money. However, work at home opportunities also bring forth an agent who is highly motivated, has a specialized skillset, and provides enhanced customer experiences. Outsourcers work across industries from energy to credit card companies and everything in between that field customer inquiries all day (and night) long.

Do your research to find the right opportunity.

Work-at-Home Sites

These sites specialize in work-at-home listings or leads. Make sure that the site you use has an explicit screening policy to filter out scams. Read about the website itself before diving into the listings. Realize that the listings on these sites may simply be links to other legitimate sites that have listings, rather than a straight path to an opportunity.

Work-at-Home Forums

Here you’ll find what other telecommuters have to say, including their warnings. You may even create a thread to start a discussion or ask for help.

How to Ensure Your Home Workplace Is Safe, Sound and Efficient

Now that you’ve taken the leap and found that perfect work at home solution, it’s time to create a safe and productive environment in your home to get to work.

It is likely the outsourcer you partner with will make numerous recommendations in regards to a safe and comfortable working environment. And, they will want to make sure you are legitimate in regards to your credibility and commitment. Expect to learn and take courses to succeed; you may even pay for courses. Expect to pay for a background check.

To get started they will most likely request fundamentals like effective hardware (computers and telephones/headsets) and software (security software, VPNs, call center software) and basic requirements like a comfortable chair and quiet setting.

The following are a few things to consider:

  • Make the workstation quiet and free of distractions (internal and external). Think: young kids or baby, sick family member, new puppy, home construction, neighbor’s incessantly barking dog, party next door etc.
  • Make the room temperature comfortable considering windows may need to be closed.
  • Avoid tripping hazards by keeping cords under a desk or secured along the wall.
  • Establish an escape route from the work room should there be a fire or other disturbance.
  • Think home security. Never leave the window open if you’re gone from the room for extended periods. Consider installing a home security system.
  • Keep the work room clean, void of clutter and flammable substances. Don’t smoke in it.
  • Don’t eat at your computer. Keep liquids in spill resistant containers.
  • The computer should be connected to a surge protector.
  • Make sure the workstation is ergonomic including a great chair with good back support or a backless ergo chair.
  • Never be in your chair for longer than one hour at a time. Ideally, take five-minute movement breaks out of the chair for every 30 minutes spent sitting. Consider getting an alternate stand up desk.
  • Use a headset and a quality phone.

It’s really not that complicated. If the job doesn’t directly involve hands on work, tools, or face to face involvement, then for the environment and quality of life, work at home and telecommuting is the best option.

Robert Siciliano is a Personal privacy, security  and identity theft expert to Arise discussing identity theft prevention. Disclosures.

Human error is inevitable: Here are some ways to protect your business

National Preparedness Month is happening right now. It’s the perfect time to take action for you and your community. It’s all about making plans to remain safe, and when disasters do strike, to keep communications going. September 30th is the culmination of NPM, with the National PrepareAthon! Day.

3DIf a burglar sees your Facebook status that you are traveling on vacation and then enters your house, and takes $10,000 worth of valuables, it’s safe to say you as the homeowner facilitated the theft. This is no different than leaving your doors unlocked when you head to the store. This lack of attention to security is why crime often happens.

These lapses in judgement are akin to how human error enables data breaches. Even worse, for a small business, employee behavior accounts for a significant number of hacking incidents – and the costs of data breaches are tremendous.

A study from CompTIA says that human error is the foundation of 52 percent of data breaches. The CompTIA report also says that some of the human error is committed by IT staff. Funnily enough, it also points out that typically, businesses rank human error pretty low on the priority list of potential problems.

Some important things to remember:

  • Security awareness training is crucial for employees.
  • A strong incident response system must be in place.
  • Appointing a CISO (chief information security officer) will also help.

The high price of human error can include lost or stolen mobile devices, slow notification of a data breach, a weak security structure and response plan, and lack of a CISO. To avoid these and protect your business, you should:

  • Implement an aggressive security awareness training program for employees
  • Develop a data breach response plan
  • Implement strong authentication practices
  • Use encryption
  • Implement a data loss identification system

And all companies should take note of the following safeguards:

  • Vigorously train employees in safety awareness that pertains to the “bring your own device” policy. Many data breaches occur when someone conducts business on their personal mobile device.
  • Security awareness training isn’t just about telling employees the facts. It also should include staged attempts at a data breach (by hired white hackers) to see who takes the bait. This also includes staged attempts by people posing as vendors or other executives trying to gain access to sensitive information.
  • Back up all data on a frequent basis, ideally on a local drive in combination with a cloud service.
  • Computers should be replaced every two to three years. This will make it easier for businesses because the computers at this point will still be functioning.

The prevention tactics above apply to businesses and really, everyone. Employees should be rigorously trained on proactive security and tricks that cyber thieves use. To learn more about preparing your small business against the common accidents of everyday life, download Carbonite’s e-book, “5 Things Small Businesses Need to Know about Disaster Recovery.”

#1 Best Selling Author Robert Siciliano CSP, CEO of is a United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla Staff Officer of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security whose motto is Semper Paratus (Always Ready). He is a four time Boston Marathoner, Private Investigator and is fiercely committed to informing, educating, and empowering people so they can be protected from violence and crime in the physical and virtual worlds. As a Certified Speaking Professional his “tell it like it is” style is sought after by major media outlets, executives in the C-Suite of leading corporations, meeting planners, and community leaders. Disclosures.

Back to school Tech Security Tips for College Students

Some of us remember college dorm days, when students were envied if they had their own typewriter. These days, college students must have a personal laptop computer, and a smartphone, and their lives revolve around these connected devices.  Such dependency should be proactively protected from loss or theft.  Campus security now means more than just being beware of who might be hiding in the bushes at night.

1SWhen you send your college kid off into the world, you want them to be prepared for life’s curveballs, and unfortunately, the occasional criminal too. How prepared are they? How prepared are you? Do you or they know that if they leave their GPS service on, some creep could be “following” them? Are they aware of how to lock down their devices to prevent identity theft?

For cybersecurity and personal security, college students should:

How might students get hacked and how can they prevent it?

  • They can fall for a scam via a campus job board, the institution’s e-mail system, off-campus public Wi-Fi or on social media. Be aware of what you click on.
  • It’s easy for devices to be stolen; never leave devices alone whether it’s in the library or a café.
  • Shoulder surfing: Someone peers over their shoulder in the study lounge or outside on a bench to see what’s on their computer screen. A privacy filter will make shoulder surfing difficult.
  • Be careful when buying a used device (which can be infected) and simply taking it as is. Wipe it clean and start fresh with the installation of a new operating systems.
  • If you’re not using your devices, consider keeping them in a lockbox or a hidden place instead of exposed in a shared living space like a dorm.
  • All devices should have a password protected screen lock.
  • Data should be backed up every day. Imagine how you’d feel if you lost that term paper you’ve been slaving over!
  • Get a password manager, which will create strong, complex passwords unique to every account. And you won’t have to remember them.
  • Avoid jailbreaking your smartphone, as this increases its hackability.
  • Avoid using public Wi-Fi for transactions involving money or sensitive information, since hackers could easily snoop on the data transmissions. A virtual private network (VPN) will prevent snooping by encrypting transactions.

All devices should have security software that should be updated automatically. Virus scans should be done every day, or at least no less frequently than once a week.

Robert Siciliano is an Online Safety Expert to Intel Security. He is the author of 99 Things You Wish You Knew Before Your Mobile was Hacked! Disclosures.

How to stop Browser Tracking

Maybe you don’t mind the ads for that bicycle rack following you around in cyberspace after you visited a site for all things bike, but browser trackers (“cookies”) also create a profile of you that gets sold to other advertisers and third parties.

2PAre you doomed to be stalked forever by bike ads? This is caused by third-party cookies. You can use third party software such as CCleaner, which can identify third-party cookies and clean out the cookies in your hard drive. It’s the third-party cookies that are the enemy. The first-party cookies come from the site you visit so that your subsequent visits to that site are easier.

After you rid the third-party cookies, you’ll have to alter your browser settings.

Google Chrome

  • In the upper right corner click the little lined box.
  • Select Settings, click Show advanced settings.
  • At Privacy click Content Settings.
  • Under Cookies check “Block third-party cookies and site data.” Hit Done.

Internet Explorer

  • In the top right corner, click on the gear.
  • Select Internet Options.
  • At the Privacy tab click Advanced.
  • Check “Override automatic cookie handling.”
  • Set the Third-party Cookies to Block. Hit Okay.


  • Click the lined icon in the upper right corner.
  • Click Options or Preferences for PC or Mac, respectively.
  • At Privacy, under History, change “Firefox will” to “Use custom settings for history.”
  • Change “Accept third-party cookies” to Never.


  • Safari automatically has third-party cookies turned off, but to be sure:
  • Go to Privacy and select the option that blocks third-party cookies.

Additional Ways to Stop Cookies from Tracking You

Here are things you can do, courtesy of an article on the Electronic Frontier Foundation site. These steps should take you about 10 minutes to complete.

You need not worry that these tactics will negatively impact the ease at which you navigate the vast majority of websites. For websites that get testy about these changes, you can temporarily use a private browsing mode that has disabled settings.

  • Install AdBlock Plus. After installation, change filter preference so you can add EasyPrivacy. You’ll need to visit AdBlock Plus’s website.
  • Change Cookie Settings. Go into Chrome’s settings under Settings, then Show Advanced Settings. Under Privacy click on Content Settings. Hit “Keep local data only until I quit my browser / for current session.” Check “Block third-party cookies and site data.” This will force cookies to expire after you exit the browser and prevent third-party cookies from activating.
  • Install the extension “HTTPS Everywhere.” This will prevent websites from snooping in on you and will help shield you from third parties.

Turn off referers. Install an extension called Referer Control. Scroll down, locate “default referer for all other sites” and hit Block.

Robert Siciliano is an Identity Theft Expert to Hotspot Shield. He is the author of 99 Things You Wish You Knew Before Your Identity Was Stolen See him discussing internet and wireless security on Good Morning America. Disclosures.

Stay Safe While Traveling this Summer

So, when you think about summer travel safety, what comes to mind? Which beach you’ll be lounging on? Sunburns? Shark attacks? While sunburns and vacation plans are rational concerns most have when traveling during the summer, shark attacks are a new one.

4WWith all of the news of recent shark attacks, people are now anxious about wading into the waters, despite the fact that the chances of getting mauled by a shark are a whopping one in 3.7 million. No guarantees, of course, but your odds are looking pretty good.

Conversely, the odds of getting your identity stolen or your other valuable information compromised while on or planning for these fun summer trips with the family are much higher. So instead of worrying about sharks this summer, let’s worry about the real predators out there —online hackers and phishing scammers.

In order to ensure you and your family’s online safety while on vacation, you first have to find an ideal and preferably well-rated vacation spot to travel. The Web is replete with scam sites touting glorious vacation spots for bargain prices. Be wary because a lot of these locations are fictitious or are actual pictures of someone’s home “stolen” from, for instance, someone’s family blog or social media profile. The thief will then put up a fraudulent ad for renters and will request a wired upfront payment.

Book travel plans only via legitimate, reputable sites. McAfee® WebAdvisor is a tool you can use that will help to warn you of most unsafe web pages. Make sure to check reviews of any private lodgings and use legitimate, well-known travel review sites.

We all love to share what we’re doing on social media, especially kids, but avoid using location services when possible. According to the recent Intel Security study : Realities of Cyber Parenting , one in three children who are active on social media turn on location services for some or all of their social media accounts which can alert thieves that you are not home, making you vulnerable to break-ins.

Many users are unaware of these features, but the service is available, and probably enabled on almost all of your most used apps, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. In order to fully protect your online data, when your computer devices are not in use, the Wi-Fi, location services and Bluetooth all should be turned off. Educate your kids to disable these services and not to download apps that request this information to run.

Additional Safety Measures You Can Take:

  • Lock your luggage
  • Do not post your travel plans online
  • If you’re taking any computer devices along, back up all their data first
  • Power down, password-protect, and lock these devices prior to travel
  • The person next to you on the plane can visually eavesdrop while you type in login information—beware. Better yet, avoid computer use while on the plane, and watch movies instead
  • Never use public Wi-Fi, at least for important transactions including purchases. Not only can thieves snatch data out of the air, but cybercriminals can also install public computers with data-stealing gadgets. If you must use public Wi-Fi for sensitive communications, use a virtual private network (VPN), which will scramble your data

Even after taking all of these precautions before and during your trip, your job is not done! Once you return home from your trip, it is vital that you make sure all of your information and charges are accurate. Make sure to immediately check your online credit card statements for unauthorized charges—before you invest time posting all about your trip on social media. Credit card fraud or identity theft can occur in well under 24 hours, so don’t put off checking your card status when you come home.

Robert Siciliano is an Online Safety Expert to Intel Security. He is the author of 99 Things You Wish You Knew Before Your Mobile was Hacked!

App Tells Who’s Digging into Your Personal Data

Did you know that sometimes, the apps you use for your smartphone have access to your personal information and are capable of sharing it? Are you aware that your privacy can be invaded across the network board? That includes Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+ and more.

1PAnd how can you tell which applications can do this? MyPermissions can tell you. Once you load this and do some setting up, you’ll see which apps on your device has access to your information.

For instance, it’s not just a matter of who can get your information, but how often and just what, such as your contact list, photos and more. The more apps you use, the more likely your personal information is getting “shared,” i.e., leaked into cyberspace without your knowledge.

MyPermissions will alert you when an application barges into your sensitive information. It will give you control over who gets access to your data.

Without MyPermissions, it’s like walking through a crowded area and dropping one copy after another of your driver’s license, bank statement, credit card and family contacts.

So let’s suppose you’d like to start with Facebook. You tell MyPermissions you’d like a scan. MyPermissions will use your FB account to look for external connections. You’ll have a dashboard to see who’s getting into your information and you’ll be directed in how to stop this.

Worried if MyPermissions will share your data? Don’t. It will never collect, store or use any of your private information.

A similar application is that of Online Privacy Shield (free from Google Play Store). It will tell you which of your apps are nosing around in your private files and what they’re getting. And you could control who gets what.

Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc., all have different ways for terminating access to your privacy, so bear with that—don’t expect all to terminate with one simple click just because one particular service has a one-click termination.

Be prepared for a shock: Hundreds of apps may have access to your sensitive data. You’ll need to embrace and appreciate the time required to get all of this straightened out. But when all is said and done, you’ll be glad you took that time.

Robert Siciliano is an identity theft expert to discussing identity theft prevention. Disclosures.

How to sign out of all Google Accounts

Let’s cut to the chase (never mind how you misplaced your phone): There are several ways to sign out of your Google accounts remotely. It takes three steps, and you’ll need the desktop version of Google. gg

  • On a mobile use a browser opposed to the Gmail/Google app and sign in at
  • Seek out “Desktop version” at the bottom of the window/browser. Click it. You may need to login again.
  • At the very bottom you will see “Recent Activity” in the right corner. Look below that to see “Details.” Click that.
  • A window will pop up giving you information about your account.
  • Look at the top of the page for a button, “Sign out all other sessions.” Click that.
  • And that’s it! Do this now to test it out.

You just signed out of your Google account. What this means is that anyone who might be in your account gets signed out or anyone who gets ahold of your lost or stolen phone/laptop etc will not be able to gain access, because they will need your password (which hopefully isn’t something dopey like 123password or password1, being that these are among the most commonly used passwords and thus very easy to guess at).

Keep in mind that Google has a device location tool. It works only when you’re signed in on the said device. So if you just signed out of all of your Google accounts, this location feature will be of no use. But if you happen to know precisely where your “lost” phone is, then it makes sense to sign out on all Google accounts.

Sounds odd, because chances are, if you know exactly where the phone is…it’s probably not in the hands of a crooked or nosy person. But you just never know.

For example, you may discover your phone is missing after you’ve returned from the gym. So you call the gym and sure enough, your phone was found in the locker room and turned in to the front desk. Thus, you know precisely where it is. However, who’s to say that a bored employee won’t tinker around with it?

If you know where the phone is, don’t delay in retrieving it.

Robert Siciliano is an identity theft expert to discussing identity theft prevention. Disclosures.