
DIY Home Security Automation is easy

Take home security seriously—before the break-in. If you’re up for a great DIY project, get going with home security.

3HReinforce doors. What you see in cops and robbers TV shows is true: Doors really can be kicked in. But not if they’re reinforced with easy screw-on upgrades that can resist even a kung fu master. Start with a door guard plate. Next, a door jam reinforcement will replace the weak pine door frame with a steel inset. Of course, replacing a wooden door with a steel door would really add security. For an added layer of protection, install the Schlage Touchscreen Deadbolt to your front door. It is the only Z-Wave compatible lock to feature a built-in alarm system, producing warning alerts to homeowners prior to their home being breached.

Strengthen windows. A window with a smash-proof coating will repel a thrown brick or whacking pipe. The coating is a film that’s applied like a big sticker. A determined burglar may be able to crack the window, but the film will hold the pane in place, preventing entry.

Landscaping. Though shrubs can deter intruders, they can also shield them from neighbors if overgrown. Make sure that branches are trimmed. To add security, illuminate areas around bushes and trees with flood lights.

Garage. Never leave the garage door opener in your car exposed because thieves can get into your car if it’s parked outside…and you know the rest. One solution is a Wi-Fi garage door opener so you can control the door with your phone.

Surveillance cameras. The latest technology allows you to remotely view your premises. Your phone will receive an alert from these cameras when they detect motion or sound nearby; you’ll be able to see what’s going on in real-time.

Locks. It can take only 15 minutes to replace an old lock with a keyless one such as the Schlage Touchscreen Deadbolt. Its features ensure that your house is locked, and unlocking is a snap, all via a number code. Just assemble the lock and put it in. It’s rare to have to drill more holes.

Robert Siciliano home security expert to Schlage discussing home security and identity theft on TBS Movie and a Makeover. Disclosures. For Roberts FREE ebook text- SECURE Your@emailaddress -to 411247.