Identity Theft Expert and Speaker on Personal Security Says the Credit Freeze Is a Basic Consumer Right

(BOSTON, Mass. – Sept. 28, 2007 – Last week reports indicated that two of the three major credit bureaus had resolved to allow credit freezes, a major weapon consumers need to combat identity theft and credit card fraud. According to Robert Siciliano, a widely televised and quoted personal security and identity theft expert, the tool is a basic right that others also ought to allow in light of data breaches that have continued to expose millions of consumers’ personal data to possible theft.

“The credit freeze is a basic consumer right,” said Siciliano. “The delay in its availability to consumers has been a major source of consternation to those in the security industry, who help clients deal with the aftermath of identity theft. Yes, the credit freeze costs money to offer, but anyone with a credit history deserves the ability to freeze her records prior to, and in the event of, suspected fraud. Evidently, smart organizations are beginning to understand.”

CEO of and a member of the Bank Fraud & IT Security Report’s editorial board, Siciliano leads Fortune 500 companies and their clients in workshops that explore consumer education solutions for security issues. A longtime identity theft speaker and author of “The Safety Minute: 01,” he has discussed data security and consumer protection on CNBC, on NBC’s “Today Show,” FOX News, and elsewhere.

On Sept. 21, USA Today reported that major credit bureau TransUnion had reached a decision to allow consumers in all 50 states to apply freezes to their credit. According to the article, consumers would be able to begin exercising the important identity theft and fraud-preventing option by Oct. 15 of this year. The next day, Sept. 22, reported that Equifax had decided to do the same and planned to offer the freeze in October, as well.

“Without a doubt,” said Siciliano, “those possibly affected by recent, large-scale data breaches will breathe a sigh of relief that the credit freeze is now an option.”

Just a week earlier, an article in the Sept. 14th edition of Wall Street & Technology reported on a data breach at TD Ameritrade Holding Corp. According to reports, which also ran elsewhere, the lost information included names, physical addresses, e-mail addresses, and phone numbers for more than 6.3 million customers. The Wall Street & Technology article stated that the affected company turned to ID Analytics for help.

“With numbers like this consistently making it into the news,” said Siciliano, “it’s likely that just about everyone in the country already needs the credit freeze. The sooner all credit bureaus offer it, the better off all consumers will be. Legislators and those in industry must work together to protect the consumers and citizens alike.”

Readers may view YouTube video below of Siciliano on “FOX News,” explaining how the ubiquity of Social Security numbers as universal identifiers helps thieves who obtain information following data breaches. Those wishing to learn how to further protect themselves against identity theft, may view video of Siciliano at VideoJug.



Identity theft affects us all. Robert Siciliano, CEO of and member of the Bank Fraud & IT Security Report’s editorial board, makes it his mission to provide consumer education solutions on identity theft to Fortune 500 companies and their clients.

A leader of personal safety and security seminars nationwide, Siciliano has been featured on “The Today Show,” CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, “FOX News,” “The Suze Orman Show,” “The Montel Williams Show,” “Maury Povich,” “Sally Jesse Raphael,” “The Howard Stern Show,” and “Inside Edition.” The Privacy Learning Institute features him on its Website. Numerous magazines, print news outlets, and wire services have turned to him, as well, for expert commentary on personal security and identity theft. These include Forbes, USA Today, Entrepreneur, Woman’s Day, Good Housekeeping, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Times, The Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, United Press International, Reuters, and others.

Visit Siciliano’s Web site,; blog,; and YouTube page,

The media are encouraged to get in touch with Siciliano directly:

Robert Siciliano, Personal Security Expert
CEO of
PHONE: 888-SICILIANO (742-4542)
FAX: 877-2-FAX-NOW (232-9669)