Keeping Tabs On Your Home When Away

You may have a single family home, second home, or apartment. And no matter what your abode sitchy is, there is no place like home. Whenever I leave, I miss my family, house, and stuff.  When we go on vacation, we are always happy to go home. I hope your sitchy feels the same.

And whenever I leave there is always a discomfort that when I’m not there to guard the castle, I’m concerned that something can go wrong. Mother Nature can make a mess of things with inclement weather, Father Time wears things down and they may break while you are gone, brazen burglars ransack your stuff, tempted teens use your vacated home as a party palace and worse than it all, freaky follies occur like a busted water pipe on the second or third floor completely ruining your home.  Water is big time destructive.

I’ve remedied most of these issues by installed a surveillance system by ADT Pulse on my property. Mine is a little over the top, however it serves as a good guide.

I have 16 surveillance cameras including 8 on the inside and 8 on the outside. Each camera is strategically placed to give me a remote view of each critical access point on the perimeter and on the inside.  There are also cameras in the garage and mechanical room. Each camera is set up to record video whenever there is motion. Each “event” is then sent via text message to alert me to the activity.

In the event that a water pipe lets loose I have water sensors tied directly to the Internet. If the water heater or any water dependant appliance gets all freaky In the kitchen I’ll be alerted via text to the issue.

When I’m home my touchpad’s or PC are alarm central. And when I’m out or away it becomes laptop, iPad or mobile. No matter where I am, I have full access to the goings on of my property.

Robert Siciliano personal and home security specialist toHome Security Source discussingADT Pulse on Fox News Live. Disclosures

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