Protect Your Facebook Photos

Imagine you have a baby and want to share your newborn’s photos with your Facebook friends and family all across the country. You snap the pictures and post and receive lots of fun and exciting feedback.

Then a week later you are scanning Craigslist to buy some second hand baby stuff like strollers and maybe baby clothes. In the process of searching “baby” you see an ad for “ADOPT MY NEWBORN” and out of  curiosity you click the ad and see a picture of your child!!!!

This has happened and will happen again. People are weird and do weird things with your images.

Yes, your digital assets can be stolen and used without your permission. In general, if its digital. It’s repeatable which means it can be downloaded, copied, pasted etc. And up until now, there wasn’t much consumers could do about that.

Just because your Facebook profile is set to “Private” doesn’t mean that your photos can’t go public. McAfee® Social Protection safeguards your Facebook photos by letting you control exactly who can view them.

When you upload your photos using the app, your photos will appear blurry and indistinguishable to people you don’t know. What’s more, no one –not even your friends and family who you’ve granted access to your photos– can save, print, download or screen capture them.  It also disables the share button preventing further displays of your pictures without your permission.

In short, your photos, stay your photos.

Pretty cool. Go to the McAfee Facebook page and check out McAfee Social Protection today!

Robert Siciliano is an Online Security Expert to McAfee. See him discussing identity theft on YouTube.(Disclosures)