Bieber Fever Results In Fraudulent Ticket Sales

Bieber Fever is a sickness that has recently become more common, where a kid is extremely obsessed with Justin Bieber, and everything related to him. The act, or disease is most commonly found in girls, but occasionally a guy or two.

Example: Girl- Dude omgomgomgomgomg i loooooove Justin Bieber he doesn’t know it yet but I’m gonna marry him!” If you are 12, you probably caught it. If you have a 12 year old then you may have unfortunately got the bug from your kid. There is no known cure for this.

The fever sometimes make people do crazy things like buy Bieber tickets off Craigslist. Dallas News reports “Many go through different venues to try to find the best tickets and this can end up costing a lot more than they bargained for. According to the report several people have allegedly been scammed by the same man. Concert tickets like the ones for Bieber’s concert are the specialty of scammers due to the high demand for these. It is always advised to buy concert tickets from an authorized seller or venue.”

Avoid scalpers, period. Unless you know them personally, just buy tickets at the venue’s window. When purchasing tickets online, stick to legitimate websites. An online search will probably turn up plenty of options, but only buy from familiar, trusted brokers.

Scam artists often take advantage of online ticket companies by buying up blocks of tickets with stolen credit cards, either to counterfeit or simply to overcharge the public.

Fortunately, some ticket brokers have deployed device reputation, which allows them to uncover computers or other devices responsible for fraudulent activity or exhibiting suspicious behavior at the point of sale, and deny transactions from these devices. This kind of visibility gives ticketing services businesses a powerful advantage. More than ever, they can easily identify the scam artists where they’re coming from.

Robert Siciliano, personal security and identity theft expert contributor to iovation. He is the author of 99 Things You Wish You Knew Before Your Mobile was Hacked! See him knock’em dead in this identity theft prevention video. Disclosures.