Entries by Robert Siciliano

8 Tips to prevent post Holiday Credit Card Fraud

With your cards being used online, over the phone and in person it’s easy to lose track of purchases. The key is keep good records and be diligent about your security. Here are eight great tips that will go a super long way in preventing post holiday account takeover in the form of credit card…

Technology that verifies MOOC test takers on the spot

Ever hear of MOOCs? The acronym stands for massive open online courses: the free online courses taught by professors at leading universities. MOOC business model problems Cheating: Professors can’t tell just how much students rely on Google for help during an exam. A proposed solution has been that students take exams at regional testing centers,…

Identifying Devices can stop Mortgage Fraud

What is mortgage fraud? The act of intentionally facilitating the use of, or using, any misrepresentation, misstatement or omission in a deliberate manner, being aware of the same to contain such, during a mortgage lending process, with the aim that the mortgage lender, borrower or any other participant to the mortgage lending process relies upon…

10 common sense holiday home security tips

It’s that time of year where burglars are casing out homes to rob, so at a minimum make sure you have strong quality door locks such as Schlage’s Touchscreen Deadbolt.   Sounds crazy but burglars have families too, and they’d rather steal than pay for gifts to give to them. Here’s how to protect your…

Child Identities need more Legal Protection

Identity theft can involve children. In fact, it’s a growing problem. The thief takes a child’s Social Security number and either uses their name or assigns it to a different name and always changes the date of birth. So 2 year old Sally is now 22 and has a Benz. The thief then uses this…

Holidays increase Risk of Online Scams

The holidays mean a surge in online purchases done with laptops, cell phones, tablets and desktops. One way to be scammed is via pop-ups (on legitimate sites, but that are not connected to the site) that ask for a survey. After you complete it, you’re offered what seems like a free product. You then unknowingly…

Card Not Present Transaction Fraud can be stopped

Credit card fraud, despite measures to stomp it out, still runs rampant in America. Forty-seven percent of credit card fraud consists of card-not-present (CNP) fraud. This includes payments via snail mail, phone and Internet. The U.S. is headed towards EMV (chip) card technology, notes Scott Zoldi in FICO’s Banking Analytics Blog. Though chip-based authentication technology…

7 Shopping Scams Online during the Holidays

Santa Claus is coming to town—and so are online thieves. How might they nab you, and what can you do to prevent it? 1. Stick with familiar retailers. Unbelievably low prices are a red flag, since competitors are always checking each other’s prices. 2. Customer reviews aren’t necessarily the gospel. An unscrupulous seller may hire…

12 Ways to hide Online

If you feel paranoid about online surveillance, there are ways you can significantly shrink your cyber presence so that it’s more difficult and expensive for anyone and even big intelligent agencies to monitor your online activities. 1. End-to end Encryption This tactic encrypts your data from the beginning point of communication to the receiving end.…

Hectic Holidays Heavenly for Hackers

Ahhh, it’s that time of the year again: the hustle and bustle of the holiday season—parties, gift giving, travels and get togethers with friends and family. But it also brings up the question of how and when are you going to have time to shop and get everything done in time?—let alone fight those crowds…