Entries by Robert Siciliano

Catphishing is a loveless Nightmare

What is catphishing? This recently coined term refers to false online identities created by Internet scammers to deceive people into a long-term romantic or emotional relationship. How can you tell you’re being catphished? Out of the blue, some really attractive person begins communicating with you online. This individual finds excuses not to use their phone…

How to design a secret Safe Room

Your house can easily have a “secret room,” for its novelty, for children and for a safe hideout from intruders. Entrances to these rooms are concealed by normal looking household features such as bookcases. Purpose Designing begins with determining the secret room’s function: a hideout? fantasy playroom? a space for meditation or writing your novel?…

What is a Data Breach and how do I protect Myself?

When protected, sensitive or confidential data is accessed or used by someone without authority, this is a data breach. This can involve any kind of data such as personal health, financial, or business related. Not all data breaches result from hacking into a computer. One can breach data simply by peering over someone’s shoulder at…

7 Tips to avoid ‘deadly’ social media

The vacant 5,000 square foot house next door to this kicking victim was on sale, and he had agreed with the realtor to keep an eye on it. Some kids got wind of this vacancy and put out a Facebook invitation to a Halloween rave party there. He called 9-1-1 and the police broke up…

15 Tips to protect holiday packages from theft

During the holidays, thieves will actually follow delivery trucks, snatching the packages that the driver leaves at peoples’ front doors. Thieves will also cruise around neighborhoods in search of boxes left at front doors—and steal them. Here are numerous tips on how to protect packages, that are being sent to you, from theft, and also…

100 Person Identity Theft Ring busted

This year, one of the biggest identity theft rings originating from Minnesota was prosecuted—spanning 14 states and involving hundreds of victims. Total theft exceeded $2.5 million, and major retailers and banks were victimized. Just who was part of this ring is mind boggling; the participants included a receptionist with the state Board of Psychology; and…

Scrooge’s 12 Scams of the Holidays

They’re baaaack! Actually, they never left—Scrooge’s little trolls work hard all year, scheming and scamming to steal holiday presents—or at least valuable information—from good girls and boys. From the North Pole to the South Pole, they target every one of us through phishing, SMiShing (text phishing), shipping and gift card scams. If you aren’t paying…

What is a Firewall?

Most of us may have heard the term, and know it’s related to security in some way, but do you really know what a firewall is? Traditionally, firewalls were built to keep danger at bay—they were doors (or walls) to block fire from coming into another area—hence the name firewall. When you’re thinking in terms…