Entries by Robert Siciliano

Top 10 Components of the Ultimate Home Security System

You’ve been thinking about getting a home security system but haven’t because you want to do it right and not invest in old, outdated technology. Well, you’re in luck, because now’s the time. Home security system technology is as advanced as it’s ever been, and just about anyone can afford a basic system—and, for a…

15 Tips for Back And Forth To School Security

The security-minded folks at Schlage locks want America’s families to know their options as their kids head back and forth to school. Always keep in mind that security is like the journey to school; it’s an ongoing process that requires you to keep your head up and be aware of your surroundings at all times.…

Top 10 Identity Theft Scams

There are no shortage of ways identity thieves have to scam you out of your credit, cash and identity. Here are 10 more ways criminals pounce on their victims: Mailbox raiding. Moments after the postal carrier drops off your mail, a crackhead comes by and steals it. Dumpster diving. You know that mortgage company that…

5 Mobile Internet Security Lessons

Do these things every day religiously and you will be more secure using your mobile devices: Be careful on social sites: When logging on via mobile, know that among Facebook’s billion users, thousands or hundreds of thousands of criminals are out there too and targeting its users. Hackers are creating viruses that specifically target Android…

8 Things to Do After a Burglary

You come home and notice your stuff on the floor…then you see broken glass…and next you notice the window on the back door is shattered. Your heart starts to race, you start sweating and you begin to feel like you are going to get sick. You don’t want to believe it, but you’ve been burglarized.…

Know the 10 Warning Signs of Identity Theft

As I have witnessed throughout the many years I have worked with victims, each type of identity theft can have a devastating impact. Victims with whom I have worked are taxpaying citizens who do the right thing and work hard to earn honest livings. When their personal information was compromised, thieves opened up financial accounts…

Consumers Hit With $14 Billion in Unwanted Card Charges

A new report by BillGuard examines the problems credit and debit cardholders are having with grey charges. Every year, millions of American consumers are forced or misled into paying fees and charges they never wanted or intended to pay. These charges, called ‘grey charges’, are typically small in nature, buried in terms of service agreements,…

5 Tips to Becoming Digitally Secure

Your digital life and your physical life coexist like land and sky which meet at the horizon all day and night. This means while you are present here on the ground, you also exist online. Coming to terms with this reality will help you make better decisions about securing that online self. Get device proficient:…

What are the Risks from Mobile Eavesdropping?

Ever heard of mobile snoopware? For those affected, it’s unnerving and creates a sense of paranoia. I’ve worked with families that found spyware on their phones designed to watch their every move. The hacker, they say, turned their mobiles on and off, used the phone’s camera to take pictures, and use the speakerphone as a…

Where You’ll Get Hacked

Criminal hackers are targeting large enterprises and breaching millions of records every year. They are also targeting small mom-and-pop operations that don’t have the security budgets the big companies do. But you and I, the lowly consumer, are also being targeted because many of us are clueless when it comes to information security. Some unfortunate…