Entries by Robert Siciliano

5 No-brainers for Keeping Your Email Safe

It’s time to face the fact that for most of us, email is the single most important digital asset we own: more than anything else, it is our digital DNA. To some degree, email is connected to every online account we have; it contains the username, password reset, and an archive of most of our…

How the Proliferation of Mobile Devices is Impacting Consumer Security

Mobile technology is the new frontier for fraudsters. Most of us don’t protect our smartphones or tablets—and the private information they contain—anywhere near as well as we do our wallets and PCs (even though most us would rather lose our wallets vs. our smartphones). Even the simple safeguard of a four-digit password is too much work…

Before You Share, Ask Yourself “Is This TMI?”

Social networks and new online services make it easy to share the details of our lives, perhaps too easily. With just a few clicks, posts and messages, you can give away enough personal information to compromise your privacy and even open yourself up to identity theft. Hackers use information you post online to try and…

Securing Your Mobile in Public Places

What would cause you more grief: your wallet being lost or stolen, or your mobile phone? I’ve read studies that showed that more people would be at a loss without their mobile device. This makes sense for a number of reasons. Your wallet itself might cost 20 bucks and the cards and IDs are free…

Cops Say: ‘Check Your Locks’

Burglaries happen everywhere. But sometimes, in some places, due to numerous reasons, burglaries become more frequent and sometimes by a lot. It doesn’t matter how high or low the crime rate is in your town; it is essential to keep your home as secure as possible. Just outside of Seattle, the Quincy police department recently…

Aquaman, King of the Seven Seas May Also be King of Threats

Wonder Twin powers activate! Shape of a Pterodactyl! Form of an icicle! Watching the Super Friends on Saturday mornings in my pjs while eating sugared cereal for breakfast and reading comic books was the extent of my relationship with super heroes. Ahh… those were much simpler times. Today kids can find everything they need to know (and…

How to Get Free and Secure Wireless Anywhere

Portable WiFi can be as little as 20 bucks a month, but for the 200 or so MB you get and the slow speed that comes with it, you’d be better off upgrading to the $50-$60 for carrier WiFi with unlimited data on the faster 3/4G network. But why pay when you can get it…

Easily Install Locks and Increase Home Security

It’s not that hard to protect your home. In less than 30 minutes, you can install a strong lock, like a Schlage, to fit common prepped doors and you only need a screwdriver. Ever install a door lock? There are certain activities in life that everyone should know how to do. Change a tire, give…

Tech 2013 Hits and Misses…So Far

2013 is turning out to be the “year of the wear”, and mobile payments are looking grrrreat too! HIT: Glass: Wearable tech is all the rage with Google Glass leading the field. Google Glass is a wearable computer with an optical, head-mounted display that is being developed by Google with the mission to producea mass-market,…