Entries by Robert Siciliano

Portland Company Keeps Ringing the Bell Of Success

iovation, protects businesses from Internet fraud by identifying good online customers with its device reputation technology, recently announced that its ReputationManager 360 solution won gold in the security services category for Network Products Guide’s 8th Annual 2013 Best Products and Services Award. The award honors and recognizes the achievements and positive contributions of organizations and IT professionals worldwide. Additionally,…

Barefoot Burglar Gets His Final Sentence

You may recall the story about Colton Harris-Moore, who as a teenager was busted for committing over 100 burglaries in the Pacific Northwest. He stole cars, speedboats and airplanes and is known as the “Barefoot Burglar” because he kicked off his shoes running through the woods from the police. After two years of running, Harris-Moore was…

Who the Heck is This Credit Card Charge From?

If you travel as much as I do and use your credit card for every purchase from apples to zebras, you know it’s rare to recognize the name of a merchant listed on your credit card statement. For example, you may go to a restaurant by the name of Dave’s Bar and Grill and get…

What is a mobile wallet?

Some say there will be a day when the wallet you carry in your pocket or purse will become obsolete. Technology is evolving in a way that will likely eliminate all our credit cards, store cards, and IDs. We will use our mobile devices as our primary means of commerce and identification. The technology behind…

Florida Retirees Frequent Identity Theft Targets

A lot of Floridians are retirees who spend their days around the pool or at the beach. The warmer weather attacks both golden agers and unfortunately identity thieves. Criminals know that retirees have money in the bank, retirement accounts and credit cards with high limits. TechNewsDaily reports, “On a per capita basis, 361 Floridians out…

Fight or Flight: What Would You Do?

First, I’m a big believer in running away from a predator. If some whack job breaks into your home and wants to hurt you, RUN out the nearest door. But if you are backed into a corner or a loved one needs protecting, then you may have to fight. Mom and Dad teach us not…

Weak Passwords Can Cost You Everything

If your computer or mobile was hacked or your passwords were cracked and your data was lost or if all the websites you have an account with were hacked and all that information was the hands of a criminal, how devastated will you be? In McAfee’s study on the value of digital assets, consumers estimated the…

Digital Security Improves Our Lives

Our lives depend on the convenience of digital and require the security behind the scenes. Take contactless payment for example. Contactless payments are a faster, more convenient alternative to cash when making small purchases at fast food restaurants, convenience stores, and transport terminals. They are also ideal for remote or unattended payment situations, such as vending…

How do I shop with my mobile securely?

To stay safe while mobile shopping: Go big. Do your online business with major retailers, or those you already know, like, and trust. The chances of a major online retailer stiffing you, or of their database being compromised, are slimmer than those of an unknown. Do your homework. If you search for a particular product…

Identity Theft Rings Focus On Loans and Credit Cards

Identity theft rings are in every state, victimizing approximately 10 million people a year. In Wycoff NJ, 11 men and women were arrested on charges of stealing identities to open credit cards in an alleged scheme that is believed to have defrauded more than 70 victims. Patch reports: “Credit cards were opened in the victims’…