Entries by Robert Siciliano

How Does Your Bank Protect Your Data?

Consumers tend to be oblivious to the various layers of security financial institutions utilize to protect their bank accounts. But having a better understanding of what occurs behind the scenes can help consumers adapt to influential new technologies. The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council responds to innovations and increases in cybercrime with updated security guidelines for…

Top 7 Tips to Business Continuity In a Disaster

Whether it is a natural disaster, manmade disaster, terrorist attack or Murphy’s law wreaking havoc on your business, having an emergency plan of action is an absolute necessity to ensure business continuity and keep the organization running. The Better Business Bureau has compiled basic tips to ensuring business continuity. Don’t be caught off guard. Consider the different…

Online Banking Vs. Mobile Banking

While PC-based online banking is not much older than a high school student, mobile banking is still in elementary school. With the proliferation of smartphones, however, online banking’s younger sibling is quickly catching up to the slightly more established option. Banking through your PC’s web browser offers a full menu of services. You can easily…

Watch Those Corporate Card Statements to Prevent Credit Card Scams

Charges on corporate credit cards can often go unnoticed even when employees are submitting expense reports. Especially if the charges are small. The Federal Trade Commission filed a lawsuit describing a criminal enterprise responsible for “micro charges,” fraudulent charges ranging from 20 cents to $10, to as many as one million credit cards since approximately 2006.…

FCC and Carriers to Create Stolen Phone Consortium

Stolen phones are a big problem here in the US. Many are stolen in robberies. Robberies are, by definition, violent crimes, and there are many instances of robberies of mobile phones that resulted in serious injury or even death. TechNewsWorld reports “Ten years ago, mobile phone thefts accounted for about 8% of New York City’s overall robbery…

Employee ID Verification for Small Business

When hiring new employees the first concern is often “how good of an employee will they be” but in fact the first concern should be “are they actually who they say they are” because regardless of the nature of your business, an employee who isn’t actually who they say they are can wreak havoc on…

Protect Yourself From Fraud While Filing Taxes

Identity theft complaints rose to more than 11 million last year, and tax-related scams have increased by over 700% since 2008. Two million fraudulent tax returns were filed in 2011 alone, at a cost of two billion dollars. Common scams include: Double filing: If you receive a notification from the IRS informing you that multiple…