Entries by Robert Siciliano

Securing Your Small Business Like A Bank

Banks know security. They have to, because as Willie Sutton once said “that’s where the money is”. A bank, for example, has multiple layers of security. First, consider the perimeter of the building, which is often designed to include large windows, so that passerby or law enforcement can easily see any problems occurring inside. The…

Holiday Phishers Use Social Media

Every social media website in existence depends on advertising for its survival, to some extent. Criminals exploit this by mimicking these familiar platforms when sending millions of phishing emails designed to entice users into clicking malicious links or visiting spoofed websites that resemble legitimate social media. They also create pages within popular social media that…

2012 Threats: Are You Ready?

History is said to be a good indicator of what might come in the future. If you follow trends in how things are done and what tends to gain momentum then you can get a pretty good idea of what’s ahead. McAfee Labs™ is made up of security professionals who spend all their waking hours…

Seasonal Security: A Poem

It’s that time of year, for holiday cheer, to give of ourselves and ring in the New Year. But while you celebrate, please keep in mind, criminals and hackers are not far behind.   Mobile malware is here; it’s increased since last year. Be sure to install mobile malware protection, so that you don’t receive…

5 FFIEC Compliance Tips For Banks

Experian’s Chris Ryan addressed five major questions about compliance with the FFIEC’s recent guidance on banking authentication. What follows are his responses, summarized: What does “layered security” actually mean? “‘Layered security’ refers to the arrangement of fraud tools in a sequential fashion. A layered approach starts with the most simple, benign and unobtrusive methods of authentication…

5 Quick Tips on How to Prevent the Next Data Breach

You may be aware of the uber techie bad boy hackers of Anonymous/Lulz/Anti-sec/Wikileaks/ScriptKiddies and the organized web mobs of the world.  Did you know they have wreaked havoc to the degree that almost a billion records have been compromised?  A recent study “gathered 3,765 publicly disclosed data breach incidents occurring in 33 countries during 2005-2010.…

Banking Security Guidelines Go Into Effect in January 2012

As banking applications evolve, common attacks on banks are becoming correspondingly more sophisticated. Small businesses, municipalities, and moneyed individuals are often targeted for obvious reasons: they have hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not a few million, in the bank, but their security is often no more effective than that of an average American household.…

Supermarket Skimming Scam Highlights Retailer Risk

A California supermarket chain recently sent letters informing customers that a security breach had been discovered at 20 of their stores. The breach notification letter released by Lucky Supermarkets reads, in part: “Dear Lucky Customer: In the course of regular store maintenance, we discovered our credit/debit card readers at the self-check lanes ONLY in 20…

Firm Documents Increase In Holiday Cyber Fraud

iovation is the leader in device reputation technology. They work to prevent all types of fraud and abuse on the Internet, including account takeovers, which occurs when your existing bank or credit card accounts are infiltrated and money is siphoned out. iovation also helps prevent new account fraud, which refers to financial identity theft in…