Entries by Robert Siciliano

Stalkers Bad Tasting Lollipop

What I love about the internet is the ability to learn, grow, create, share and so many other verbs. What I hate is the creepiness of the internet and the weirdness of coming in contact with trench coat wearing freakazoids. A new website called “Take This Lollipop” (TTL) is another reason to have ahome security…

6 Tips for Cyber Monday

Bad guys know perfectly well that when the online bargains begin after Thanksgiving, specifically, on the Monday after Thanksgiving, you will be providing your credit card number to retailers all over the world. 1. Go big. Do your online business with major retailers, or those you already know, like, and trust. The chances of a major online…

The Evolution of Holiday Thievery

Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, kicks off the holiday shopping season. Retailers advertise Black Friday bargains in order to lure you through their doors. As far back as I can remember, police have been warning of thieves who target cars in parking lots, smashing windows to steal shopping bags left in plain sight. Then,…

Holiday Headaches Coming for Consumers

Gearing up for the holidays, consumers are getting ready to pull a Wilma Flintstone and, “Charge it!” Many don’t realize that you cannot protect your credit card number. Every time you use a credit card, you increase the chances of that card number being used fraudulently. When handing your card to a clerk or cashier,…

Lonely Hearts Target of Dating Scams

Online dating websites are aware that scammers use their platforms to defraud men and women looking for love. With the holidays around the corner, many unsuspecting people will be used and abused by scammers, who will break their hearts, their bank accounts, or both. Many of the stories of heartbreak and fraud look like this:…

Beware of Furnace Scams

To my horror, old man winter is knocking at my door.  There is snow on the ground in Boston accompanied by a howling wind with a wind chill of wicked, wicked, wicked cold. Did I say it’s wicked cold? It’s only 37 degrees but feels like 10 below. Frankly, I should live on an island…

Community Comes Together to Fight Burglary

In Rochester New York they are being “plagued” by burglaries which rose by over 13 percent in the last year. As a result they organized a Burglary Prevention Clinic to teach homeowners how to better secure their homes. WHEC reports one of the residents was quoted saying “It’s so easy to forget that maybe I…

Feds Catch Carder

WE DO NOT SELL DUMPS. DO NOT EMAIL OR CALL US. WE DO NOT SELL DUMPS “Carders” are the people who test and sell credit card details (most likely phished) to other individuals who carry out the actual credit card fraud. Carders are the most visible of criminals who distribute and sell stolen data to…

Identity Theft Ring Targeted Banks

In what is considered “the largest identity theft takedown in U.S. history,” 111 individuals were indicted for “stealing the personal credit information of thousands of unwitting American and European consumers and costing individuals, financial institutions and retail businesses more than $13 million in losses over a 16-month period.” The five different identity theft and forgery…