Entries by Robert Siciliano

Britain Scrapping National Identification Card

The Telegraph reports that UK National Identity Cards containing biometric details, including fingerprints, “were championed by the previous Labour government as a way of preventing terrorism and identity theft.” But the new administration immediately scrapped the initiative, introducing the Identity Documents Bill to Parliament in May, which provided for the cancellation of the UK National…

Managing A Digital Life: Teachers Friending Kids

Teachers in numerous Massachusetts cities and towns are not allowed to “friend’’ students on Facebook or other social networking sites, and a number of other school districts south of Boston are considering a similar ban. The Boston Globe reports that many communities are working on policies governing school staff’s use of Facebook, “inspired in part…

Man Arrested For Stealing 15,000 Social Security Numbers

Now more than ever, criminal hackers are hacking into databases that contain Social Security numbers and using the numbers to open new financial accounts. Criminals use stolen Social Security numbers to obtain mobile phones, credit cards, and even bank loans. Some victims whose Social Security numbers fell into the hands of identity thieves have even…

Home Invaders Face The Death Penalty

There is no shortage of news reports clear across the country on home invasions. States like New Hampshire are responding by including home invasion as a qualifier for the death penalty. Couple pistol-whipped during Tulsa home invasion Oklahoma: “A husband and wife were pistol-whipped early Saturday during a home invasion robbery. Three males in their…

Skype App Adds Video Calling

When traveling for business, I often use Skype to video chat with my family at home. This is a comforting way to connect while sitting in a hotel. I’ll even leave the call on for hours at a time, just to watch what they do and hear the homestead background noise, which often includes the…