Entries by Robert Siciliano

Putting An End to Data Breaches As We Know Them

The AP reports “WikiLeaks’ release of secret government communications should serve as a warning to the nation’s biggest companies: You’re next.” According to the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse’s Chronology of Data Breaches, more than 500 million sensitive records have been breached in the past five years. The Chronology of Data breaches lists specific examples of incidents in…

Military Members Face Identity Theft Threat

Service men and women face an elevated level of identity theft due to the ubiquitous use of the Social Security number (SSN) both here and abroad. Military personnel use their SSNs for a variety of reasons every day from everything including on various forms, IDs, access to facilities, and in Iraq they have it painted…

New Consumer Electronics Security Lacking

Early adopters of new technology often discover bugs, quirks, imperfections, and security issues before a product is widely adopted. That’s why I usually wait six to eight months for companies to fix their flaws. Researchers discovered they could hack into Internet-ready HDTV’s. One of the top five best-selling TVs left its security process vulnerable to…

Top Targets for Emerging Threats in 2011

This McAfee Labs list comprises 2010’s most buzzed about platforms and services, all of which are expected to be major targets for cybercriminals in the coming year. Exploiting Social Media: URL-shortening services With more than 3,000 shortened URLs being generated per minute, McAfee Labs expects to see a growing number used for spam, scamming, and…

11.7 Million Identity Theft Victims Occur Per Year: Are You Next?

According to Bureau of Justice Statistics, 5% of U.S. residents over the age of 16 fell victim to identity theft within a two-year period. More than half of those affected were victims of credit card fraud. Identity theft was defined in the survey as the attempted or successful misuse of an existing account, such as…

Planning To Travel Safely And Securely

Whenever you travel, “know before you go”. “When you travel abroad, the odds are you will have a safe and incident-free trip. Travelers can, however, become victims of crime and violence, or experience unexpected difficulties. No one is better able to tell you this than the U.S. consular officers who work in more than 250…

Craigslist Scams Are A Persistent Threat

Craigslist is a staple of my internet experience, even though I have a love/hate relationship with it. I love it because lots of people use it faithfully and the deals and the ability to recycle opposed to buy new or throw away. I hate it because people who use it are often unreliable and the…