Entries by Robert Siciliano

Password Security vulnerable to Trickery

There’s only one entrance to the house: a steel door two feet thick. If someone from the outside touched the door—even with a battering ram—they’ll get an electric shock. No bad guys could get through, right? Well, suppose the bad guy tricks the homeowner into opening the door…and once open, the bad guy strangles the…

Mobile Apps Failing Security Tests

It’s been said that there are over a million different apps for the smartphone. Well, however many may exist, know that not all of them are passing security tests with flying colors. You may already be a user of at least several of the 25 most downloaded apps And what’s so special about the top…

Attention Lenovo PC Owners: Something’s Fishy with Your Computer

Does your Lenovo computer have Superfish VisualDiscovery adware (a.k.a. spyware) installed? It’s possible if you purchased a Lenovo PC any time in September of 2014 and thereafter. This Superfish software intercepts the Lenovo user’s traffic so that the user sees ads displayed that reflect their browsing habits. The problem with this targeted advertising scheme is…

Stolen Social Security number? Don’t Worry!

Just when you think it was safe to believe your Social Security number can’t get stolen…news breaks of the Anthem data breach. Over 80,000,000 patient records were compromised, including SSNs and home addresses. Like a meteor striking the earth, a disastrous ripple effect is underway, with patients getting hit up with phishing e-mails. If you…

The White Hat Hacker

These days, it is hard to pick up a newspaper or go online and not see a story about a recent data breach. No other example highlights the severity of these types of hacks than the Sony breach late last year. While a lot of information, including creative materials, financials and even full feature-length movies…

Promote Child Home Safety

A recent controversial SuperBowl commercial from a major insurance company depicted a young boy who died as the result of numerous preventable household accidents such as poising and falls. The commercial got lots of traction via social media. Although it was presented tactfully, many people didn’t approve. The truth hurts and sometimes isn’t pretty. However…

Victim overcomes Identity Theft with Art

Does your wallet contain enough information about you for someone to steal your identity and commit crimes under your name? That’s what happened to Jessamyn Lovell when Erin Hart stole her wallet in 2011. Hart shoplifted, checked into hotels and rented cars in Lovell’s name. Of all the nerve. Lovell tracked Hart down and documented…

This is what Spy Software looks like

If you’ve ever watched virtually any spy flick or James Bond movie you’re familiar with “bugs” – those little dime-sized metallic things that the bad guys would secretly stick under someone’s desk to record any conversation in the room—picked up by a receiver in their car. Or, the phone was “tapped” – the device was…