Entries by Robert Siciliano

Be aware of all these Confidence Crimes

Criminals have a reliance on tricking victims to get access to account information, like passwords. This is known as social engineering, and is also called a “confidence crime.” These come in many forms: Do Not Take the Bait of These Phishermen A phishing email that targets a specific person is known as spear-phishing. A spear-phishing…

10 Huge Home Security Mistakes

Though it would be nice to think that you can fix something if you make a mistake, there are some where there is just no going back. And in some cases, these mistakes can be tragic. Here are some of the biggest mistakes that people make with their home security: Leaving Doors Unlocked – It…

Are You Taking Responsibility for Your Personal Safety?

For the most part, the local police department does not prevent most assaults or burglaries. That would require a cop to be everywhere all at once. Not happening. However, they do their best to capture and arrest those who commit these crimes. And, preventing crimes goes way beyond getting a home security system or making sure your doors are…

Creating a “Plan B” for Survival

What do you do if you have a “Plan A” for survival, but you realize that it’s a bad plan. Do you have a “Plan B?” Forget about doing things like running to the grocery store right before the snow storm of the century hits. Everyone else in your town or city will do the…

Freezing Your Child’s Credit: What You Need to Know

You might not think about this, but identity thieves really want your child’s Social Security number. If they get this number, they can do a lot, including buying a car, renting an apartment, opening a credit card account, or getting a mortgage. The Social Security numbers of children are great for the bad guys for…