Entries by Robert Siciliano

Courts side with Consumers in Data Breach

In general, courts don’t tend to side with consumers in data breach incidents. However, a federal court in Florida is the apple among the oranges. It approved a $3 million settlement for victims whose data was on a stolen laptop in December 2009, that contained personal health information. The laptops belonged to AvMed, a health…

Phishing Alert: 10 Tips To Protect Your Business From Attacks

It’s becoming too easy for criminals to get their hands on your banking information, due to your employees’ ignorance of phishing scams. Malware attacks have soared recently, targeting banks for the purpose of stealing online banking information. Over 200,000 new infections occurred between July and September 2013—the highest jump in the past 11 years, according…

Home Monitoring Products go Mainstream

With the explosion of security-based home surveillance products/apps, there’s a growing trend in getting surveillance systems that monitor users themselves. Piper This product’s wide-angle camera allows you to view live video of your home, from anywhere, right on your smartphone. It can: Detect motion Control lights, temperature and appliances Record short videos View inside the…

How to keep your Kids safe Online

Every parent should know all the ways they can keep their kids safe in the online world. In McAfee’s 2013 study, Digital Deception: Exploring the Online Disconnect between Parents and Kids it was found that: 86% of kids think social sites are safe and post personal information such as their email addresses (50%) and phone numbers (32%)…

The Future of Identity Theft

Identity theft evolves as technology progresses. The Identity Theft Resource Center explains the future of this crime. Definition of Identity The definition will swell up to include biometrics and behavior, not just driver’s license number and SSN. So your identity can be defined by how you move a mouse and your keystroke patterns. Medical Identity…

Home Invasion prompts Neighbors to invest in Security

The Lincoln-Highlands Association is a resident organization devoted to fighting crime in Oakland, California’s Dimond District. A hundred residents are needed for the program, which would require $30 a month to fund a security guard to patrol the area five days per week. Other neighborhoods have had success with private patrols, and the push for…

Intruder snaps Selfie and disappears

Remember that scary movie in which the psycho phones the babysitter and says, “Did you check the children?” He was actually in the house and murdered them. Yikes, well that’s just a movie. But sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. As long as people leave doors unlocked, any whack job can saunter into their house.…

National Retail Federation pushes for Chip and PIN

The recent major retail breaches have fueled increased interest by the National Retail Federation to push for implementation of a chip and PIN payment card technology. This would make the magnetic strips on payment cards obsolete and no longer a calling card for hackers. “We’re here today because the question of data security and cyber…

You can have Security in an Attractive Lock

Who says a good door lock can’t look good? Being that your home is far more likely to be burglarized than you are to be mugged walking down the street, you can’t neglect to have a high security deadbolt for your door, even if you live in a “nice” neighborhood. The deadbolt is a maximum…