Entries by Robert Siciliano

What is Cookiejacking?

“Cookiejacking” may sound like someone taking a bite out of that delicious chocolate chip cookie you were planning to have after lunch, but it is actually an online security risk that could lead to your personal information falling into the hands of a cybercriminal. But to understand this risk, you first need to know about…

6 ways College Grads can Protect Online Reputations

Here’s what you, the new college grad, can do to clean up and protect your reputation in the online world. These days, it’s crucial for college grads seeking jobs to have an online reputation that’s as clean as a whistle. I’m an online-security and ID theft expert, so trust me when I say that yes,…

Heartbleed: Free Tool To Check if That Site is Safe

I’m sure you’ve heard the news about Heartbleed by now (unless you’re in vacation wonderland and have taken a tech break). This is a serious vulnerability in the core of the Internet and is something we all should be concerned about. Heartbleed is a kink in encryption software, discovered by security researchers. It is a…

15 tips to Spring Clean Your Digital Security

As a security analyst for both off-line and online activity, which is personal protection and information security, I’m constantly analyzing my own security situation. This means paying attention to my surroundings, systems in place, the security of my hardware, software and data. One way to get a closer look at all of this and to…

Online Tax Time Scams: How to Avoid

Filing your taxes online is convenient but also comes with some potential security problems. My job as an expert in all things online-security is to spell out what these online tax scam risks are and how to avoid them. As you get ready to file your taxes this year, here are some things you should…

Cyber Insurance vs. General Liability

One of the biggest data breaches of all time involved that of Sony Corp. The hackers stole confidential information from tens of millions of Sony PlayStation Network users. Despite this humongous breach, something surprising happened: New York Supreme Court Jeffrey Oing ruled that Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co. and Zurich American Insurance Co. owed NO defense…

Beware of the One Ring Scam

“The Ring” means more than just a dead girl crawling out of a well; it can also mean the one ring that you get on your cell phone that’s designed to get you to call back to find out who the caller was—only you’ll end up getting a charge on your next bill instead. The…

Workplace Violence: 12 Signs Of A Dangerous Person

Workplace violence is something everyone needs to be educated about. Know the warning signs to protect yourself and your employees. The Navy Yard shootings were a harsh reminder that, while studies show violence is down overall, workplace violence is a problem that doesn’t seem to be going away. I appeared on CNBC to discuss the shootings,…

Burglars using Video to stake out Homes

Yes, burglars do use video surveillance to case homes. Sometimes burglars aren’t not so dumb, like the ones who use video to case homes. A video camera the size of a matchstick has been discovered in the yards of several homes in North Texas’s upscale Dalworthington Gardens, where there have been break-ins. According to the…

Credit Card Fraud Security Bleak

The U.S. is no Superpower when it comes to card payments: the card hacking headquarters of the world. Don’t count on credit card fraud going away too soon. After all, Americans practically sleep, eat and breathe credit card use. And it’s those doggone magnetic strips on the cards that keep getting consumers, retailers, banks and…