Entries by Robert Siciliano

6 Ways to Declutter Your Digital Life

It’s the New Year so time for new starts and new resolutions. With a new year upon us, now is a good time to clean out the clutter. Clutter is overwhelming, messy and inefficient and it transcends in both our physical and digital lives. Here are some tips to help clear the clutter out of…

Home Invasion results in Child Casualties

Two young girls died after a man broke into their second-story Cleveland apartment and set it afire. This was after the man forced the 55-year-old babysitter (the children’s’ aunt) into a bathroom, where she remained—until she began smelling smoke. Then she fled to outside and later reported that the man had started the fire. Ironically,…

IT Guys get duped Pretty Girl on Social Media

Defenses of a U.S. government agency were duped by an experimental scam created by security experts. The “scam” involved Emily Williams, a fictitious attractive woman with a credible online identity (including a real photo that was allowed by a real woman), posing as a new hire at the targeted agency. Within 15 hours, the fake…

Next Steps in Wearable Tech

Tech devices are rapidly evolving from those you carry around with you in a pocket to those you wear on an arm, and they seem to be getting smaller and smaller. We have the laptop as the progenitor, culminating in the smartphone and tablet. And beyond: Google Glass, a computer you wear, freeing your hands,…

Corporate BYOD puts Client Data at risk

When employees improperly use mobiles, they put their companies at risk for data breaches. This includes leaving lots of sensitive data on the devices—which can pave the way to leakage of data, plus other issues. Mobile device use in workplaces is increasing—and so is its associated security risks. Current security measures are lagging behind the…

10 Tips to Keep Your Data Private Online

The Internet has become an essential tool for most of us and a part of our everyday lives. We rely on it to send/receive emails, post/share photos and messages on social networking sites, shop for clothes, search for information, etc. But how do all these online activities affect your privacy? Your online privacy depends on…

Teens trash Million Dollar Mansion

If your home is full of valuables, why not add one more valuable: a home security system? A mansion in La Habra Heights (California) was ransacked by 16 teenagers; they made off like bandits with over $1 million worth of property. It all began when some local teens noticed that the mansion was vacant (the…

McAfee Labs 2014 Predictions

As we wind down the year, it’s a time to reflect, but also to look forward. Some of us may be thinking about resolutions and what we need to do in the upcoming year—exercise more, eat better, have better work/life balance, etc. Others of us will be thinking about how we’re going to ring in…

Online Shopping Warnings and Advice

Shopping online can be just as dangerous to your security as leaving your car unlocked in the mall parking lot. Consumer Reports notes the following: Don’t judge a website by its cover. A malicious website can look legitimate, even though it aims to nab your personal data, even identity, or sell counterfeit products. Others aim…