
How Phishing is Like a Home Invasion

Phishing of course is when you receive a fraud based email designed to trick you into clicking links and entering your personal information. In some cases when clicking those links you may download a virus. Their intention is to bypass your computers security.

Phishing is emerging as sophisticated due to ways in which the phish emails are disguised to look like legitimate communications often from other trusted employees on the inside or companies you may do business with.

The criminals behind these emails are doing their research on company websites finding key individuals to model and following up their research on Facebook and LinkedIn to make their phish emails more personal.

And while criminals are still targeting “whales” or CEOs of major corporations and their officers, they are using similar attacks on consumers, as well.

Home invaders are using similar tactics to stalk their prey. You receive a knock on the door, and the minute you open it, like clicking a link, you’re vulnerable. Their intention is to bypass your home security alarm by getting you to open the door.

Home invaders use some ruse like they are from the gas company or making a delivery or some may lie that their car broke down. All of these methods prey upon your trusting of another person or business that you may have a relationship with.

Home invaders do their research. They watch you on social media, they look up basic information and they often target the head of the household.

Protecting yourself from phishing or home invasions comes down to one fundamental principle: Don’t automatically trust or believe that whoever is contacting you in any form has good intentions. We trust by nature, and that’s great, but not allowing yourself to question others intentions set you up to fail.

Robert Siciliano personal and home security specialist toHome Security Source discussingADT Pulse on Fox News Live. Disclosures

Snow Shovel Bandit Busted

I know the last four letter word you want to hear is SNOW. But everyone needs to know the Snow Shovel Bandit has been sentenced to 6 years in prison!!

This guy generally broke into homes without home security alarms occupied by single women.

For a small time crook, this guy had a pretty solid and innovative business plan. The 51 year old basically undercut all the 9-12 year olds in the neighborhood that generally shovel snow for all the local single ladies.

He would approach the home owners and under charge them to shovel driveways and then ask for a few more bucks for spreading rocksalt. His scheme was to gain their trust while he was casing their homes.

So basically these women were paying this guy to shovel snow and case, and then burglarize their homes.

Sometimes moments after they left he’d kick in a door and rob the place, other times he’d do it at night when they were home!

Police checked with the local pawn shops for items that were stolen and were able to track him down.

This is a guy with a long criminal record with extensive burglary convictions. Obviously if he keeps getting caught he’s not that good at it. But achieving “Snow Shovel Bandit” status is quite an accomplishment. Take THAT Billy The Kid!

So I guess Rule #1 is if the person knocking on your door to shovel your driveway was born before 1990, I’d be suspicious. Accuse me of profiling; I’m just making a point.

Further, don’t open the door to strangers! Especially 51 year olds with shovels!

Install a home security system and keep it armed around the clock.

Robert Siciliano personal and home security specialist toHome Security Source discussingADT Pulse on Fox News. Disclosures

Dumb Home Invaders Busted Using Victims Mobile

Here is why home security systems are absolutely essential. A homeowner in South Carolina is sleeping when he hears a loud banging noise. He gets out of bed to investigate and comes face to face with a man in his home wearing a ski mask. Question: Do they have snow in South Carolina? Do they ski?

Anyway, the home invader drops the man to his knees and sticks a gun in his ear. Then the victim’s girlfriend get a gun stuck in her ear as they both stayed on their knees at gun point while the home invaders ransacked the house.

The home invaders stole their mobile phones, and their games including Wii, Nintendo, Xbox, two pistols and three shotguns along with cash and jewelry.

Based on the score I bet the victims knew the home invaders. Luckily for the victims the home invaders left without any additional violence.

The home invaders used one of the victims’ cell phones later on that day. What the dumb criminal probably didn’t realize is mobile phones have GPS and location based data that can allow anyone including the police to trace the phone location pretty accurately.

Police staked out the location which was a motel and saw two men who fit the home invaders description then searched their room and found the victims stuff.

Technology is great. It helped catch these criminals, and this wasn’t the first time a cellphone has help police carch a criminal, in Maryland another dumb criminal was caught after leaving behind charging phone.

However technology in the form of a home alarm could be used better to proactively prevent this. While the victim isn’t responsible for getting invaded, they are in the best position to prevent it.

Robert Siciliano personal and home security specialist toHome Security Source discussingADT Pulse on Fox News Live. Disclosures

Doggy Door: Easy Burglar Penetration

Many years back I lived on a peninsula north of Boston in a small ocean view cottage. The band “Talking Heads” apparently lived there years earlier when they were starting out.  There’s a song or two they wrote that references the area. It’s a very cool place. The kind of place people think you can leave the doors unlocked and windows open. It’s famous for “Ipswich Clams” if that rings a bell. I’ve been known to dig a few bushels or pecks.

Anyway regardless of the fact it was off the beaten path and a relative “safe” area I still had a home security alarm system.  I’m not one to take chances. Even though it was “safe” a local kid who develops a drug problem can make a mess of things trying to get his next fix.

While living there I had “Niki”. She was a protective German shepherd Husky mix and probably the sweetest animal that has ever lived and was very very intelligent. Where I lived there was very little auto traffic and she was smart enough to avoid cars so I built her a doggie door to let her come and go.  I’d sometimes get calls when I was at work (her tags had my number) that she had made her way to the beach and was sitting with someone at their lounge chair asking me if they could give her water. She was something else.

One weekend I went away with Niki and came home to a disaster in my house.  Cabinets were opened and stuff pulled out, a small dresser was knocked over there was papers and trash everywhere and then I noticed POOP!

A masked burglar broke in! And pooped! Then I saw paw prints! It was a raccoon! The little bugger spent the weekend at my house and got in through the doggie door. The next night I waited for that burglar, all night, and I caught him. I made a hat. But that’s another story.

The Boston Globe reported a pair of teens were arrested and charged with breaking and entering through a doggie door. Police said the two suspects stole two iPods, prescription pills and $100 cash from the house. The teens were arrested after police arrived at the home following a call from a neighbor.

Obviously a doggie door is easy entry. If you have one you can still have a home security system, but you’d have to turn the motion sensors off if you have a larger dog. Installing security cameras set to alert of an intruder is a good option. Adding outdoor signage would act as another layer of protection.

Niki died 6 years ago. She was 15. She is missed.

Robert Siciliano personal and home security specialist toHome Security Source discussingADT Pulse on Fox News. Disclosures

Rogue Locksmiths Pose Threat to Home Security

I’m a big fan of the trade and recommend everyone engage their local locksmith for a review of your hardware to determine if yours is adequate for your home security. Chances are at some point in your life you will need a locksmith in an emergency situation whether for your car, home or place of business.

But like any trade there are professionals and there are shysters. Locksmithing is worldwide, but your locksmith should be local, trusted and a member of the Associated Locksmiths of America, at least.

The Federal Trade Commission has issued an alert regarding shifty, shady, unlicensed scammy locksmiths.

“If you’ve ever locked yourself out of your car or home, you know what a hassle it can be. Your first thought is to get someone to help you out of your situation. If a family member or friend can’t deliver a spare set of keys, your next call might be to a local locksmith. But before you make that call, consider this: According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation’s consumer protection agency, some locksmiths advertising in your local telephone book may not be local at all. They may not have professional training. What’s more, some of them may use intimidating tactics and overcharge you.”

Research local locksmiths before you need one, the same way you would a plumber, electrician, or other professional. Use your towns local newspaper or local directory opposed to the yellow pages. Scammers often use yellow pages opposed to local directories. Plug the number into your mobile phone now.

When ordering services get an estimate for everything and hold them to it. There shouldn’t be a big mystery to what work they will need to do.

Ask the locksmith for ID and expect the locksmith to ask you for identification, as well. A legitimate locksmith should confirm your identity and make sure you’re the property owner before doing any work.


Some locksmiths will work out of a car for quick or emergency jobs, but most will arrive in a service vehicle that is clearly marked with their company’s name.


Robert Siciliano personal and home security specialist to Home Security Source discussing ADT Pulse on Fox News Live. Disclosures


Victim Jumps from Second Floor in Home Invasion

In Illinois in an apartment building that just happens to be in yelling distance from a police station, a man jumped from his second floor window screaming for help. Fortunately the police were able to catch the two guys who invaded his apartment.

Apparently he didn’t have a home security alarm system, which is an option in an apartment and something to consider.

Two men kicked in his door threatening the man with a gun and proceeded to tie the guy up. When they left to kick in the door of another apartment he was able to break free and that’s when he jumped.

I’ve often thought of what my response would be in a situation like this as my home has multiple floors. As a result I’ve taken my wife floor to floor and discussed the possibilities of escape and the logistics involved.

Jumping from a second floor window or porch certainly could kill you. So can falling off a chair you might be standing on to water plants. However a second floor window in most cases won’t be much higher than 20 feet and faced with a gun or a knife wielded by a violent home invader, jumping 20 feet for this guy was definitely an option for him.

On houses with porches that have poles and posts and the resident is adept at climbing that may be a consideration for some.

The safest and most recommended option is a fire escape ladder. I own a 25 foot ladder, three-story fire escape ladder with anti-slip rungs that can hang out a window.

It’s in my closet in case of fire or a home invasion and hopefully I never have to use it.

Robert Siciliano personal and home security specialist to Home Security Source discussing ADT Pulse™ on Fox News. Disclosures

Home Invasion Murder Happens Close to Home

All this scribbling I do about home security cameras and home alarm systems is actually part of a business I run so it requires me to have an administrator to perform certain duties that she’s better at than I am. Earlier this week I reached out to her via text and briefly she wasn’t responding.

Then I get this text: “I’m in New Hampshire at a friend’s. My girlfriend was murdered Saturday night by her fiancés son. Then he shot himself. The kid that killed her broke into the neighbor’s house and tried to shoot him”

Eeesh. When people hear these stories happening in their backyard they say “I just didn’t think it would happen here”, whereas I expect it, and so does my admin.

Reports say police responded to a call about a home invasion at 5 am on a Sunday. The neighbor whose home was invaded got a knock on the door and opens it to an 18 year old sticking a shot gun in his face. He pulled the trigger and the gun misfired. The father ran off to get something to defend himself with and the intruder fled.

This was after he killed his father’s fiancé. Man O’ man. Just like that a 41 year old mother of 3 is dead because of a young man’s actions. Nobody will ever know why he did it. But there were probably signals leading up to it.

On the CDC’s website they state Violence is a serious public health problem in the United States. From infants to the elderly, it affects people in all stages of life. In 2007, more than 18,000 people were victims of homicide and more than 34,000 took their own life.

People who act out in extreme violence like this often say and do things prior to the event over the course of days/weeks/months/years that indicate they will eventually unravel and hurt someone. Some reports say the teen was quick to anger, that he wasn’t someone you messed with. While that’s not enough to go on, it can be considered a red flag.

Visit the CDC for more information.

Robert Siciliano personal and home security specialist to Home Security Source discussing ADT Pulse™ on Fox News Live. Disclosures

Make Criminals Cry UNCLE

A Neighborhood crime watch, also called a crime watch or neighborhood watch, is an organized group of citizens devoted to crime and vandalism prevention within a neighborhood. A neighborhood watch may be organized as its own group or may simply be a function of a neighborhood association or other community association.

In South Carolina a group of concerned citizens created a crime watch organization called UNCLE. That stands for United Network of Communities on Law and Enforcement.

The members of UNCLE drive around reporting suspicious behavior. If something looks out of place, they write it down and call the police. If there are suspicious vacant houses or too many cars in a yard or trash piles, they write it down and report it. If they see a suspected drug house they find the owners name and report it. If they see cars parked out front they get the license plates and report them.

UNCLE has the feel of the “Broken Windows Theory” that was deployed in New York City and is often credited with its safe city status today.

The broken windows theory is a criminological theory of the norm setting and signaling effects of urban disorder and vandalism on additional crime and anti-social behavior. The theory states that monitoring and maintaining urban environments in a well-ordered condition may prevent further vandalism as well as an escalation into more serious crime.

None of this is “vigilantism” but more like the Department of Homeland Security’s slogan “If you see something say something” Remember, we are all in this together. Your participation in your communities’ safety and security is essential to the security of us all.

Robert Siciliano personal and home security specialist to Home Security Source discussing Home Security on NBC Boston. Disclosures.

Bump Keys Are Today’s Skeleton Keys

Locking your doors is a first step to securing your home.

However after conducting thousands of seminars on personal security I’m amazed at how many people do not lock their doors. That one simple act can prevent a door jiggling burglar from choosing your home. However if you do lock your doors, the quality of your locks can impact your security.

Lock bumping as its known is a lock picking method that involves inserting a modified key similar to the original and lightly bumping or hitting the key with a hammer or other blunt instrument. As the key is bumped the knob is gently twisted back and forth allowing the locks tumblers to fall in place. Carefully crafting a bump key and manipulating the knob allows the modified key to unlock the door.

Locks are made up of a series of pins and springs that when properly lined up allow the fitted key to turn, thus opening the lock. Bump keys are designed to trick the pins and springs by designing the bump key to accommodate the pins and keys in a variety of ways that ultimately come together by force or through bumping and turning.

Locks manufactured utilizing “programmable side bars” and do not utilize “top pins” are considered bump proof.  Other locks that are electronic, magnetic, disc tumbler or use rotating disks are generally considered bump proof.  This is general advice that should be followed up by enlisting a certified locksmith to guide you in a safe and secure direction.

Robert Siciliano personal and home security specialist to Home Security Source discussing home security and identity theft on TBS Movie and a Makeover. Disclosures.

Security Cameras Catch Intruder

Video is a great thief repellant. It is one layer of security that must be incorporated into every home security system. However there is no such thing as 100% security. And while video often catches a thief in the act, it can’t actually catch a thief. That’s what police are for.

In Des Moines Iowa, which I’ve been to a few times and is a very cool place, lots of Bald Eagles, a bar owner was awoken to a phone call from ADT Security calling to tell him the alarm in his bar was going off. At the same time the police were summoned.

Meanwhile the bar owner logged into his security systems internet enabled cameras and saw the legs of a man dangling from the ceiling through ceiling tiles! The criminal apparently cut a hole in the roof! Then he saw the man jump to the floor with a crowbar and immediately head towards his target: a ticket machine full of cash.

Obviously the thief knew what he was after. After about 3 minutes he ran out when the police arrived and narrowly escaped.

Now the police have video footage of the thief to use to hopefully catch him.

Security is about layers of protection. The protection in this case at least minimized the damage by sending off a piercing alarm reducing the damage the criminal would do if he stayed longer and then the cameras will help identify the thief. Fortunately the bar owner has insurance (which is another layer of protection) that will ultimately pay for the loss and damage.

Robert Siciliano personal and home security specialist to Home Security Source discussing ADT Pulse on Fox News. Disclosures