I’m Running the Boston Marathon Monday April 16th

Hello Friends, Colleagues, Clients, Media, Readers and all those who we’ve ever come in contact with:

The following is one sentence of business updates AND THEN more importantly, Robert’s running the Boston Marathon next week, Monday April 16th for Children’s Hospital Boston. Sick kids need your help.

Quick Biz: Robert was in Time Magazine http://ow.ly/adxbp in March, VERY FUNNY. Also, his YouTube page http://ow.ly/adx0t has over one million views! And check out his NEW book http://ow.ly/adxlW  And he’s done an incredible amount of media this year here: http://twitter.com/#!/RobertSiciliano

The IMPORTANT stuff:

Robert is taking on the challenge and running the 26.2 miles Monday April 16th as part of the Children’s Hospital Boston, Miles for Miracles Team. He has written a note below and provided a few links to track him on-line and more importantly make a donation for the kids at Children’s Hospital Boston. Please read on:

Please Donate HERE: http://ow.ly/7Amb8

Hey Everyone,
This hasn’t been easy. Only my wife knows and others who have done this, it’s quite a task. It’s expensive and extremely time consuming. Early in my training I’ve had “IT Band Syndrome” issues. And anytime they attach “syndrome” to anything you’re pretty much disadvantaged. This means the medical community doesn’t have an answer.  This is a ligament/tendon that starts at your hip and ends at your knee that hurts to heck after about 2 miles at the knee. After about 20 physical therapy treatments and another 15 chiropractic adjustments topped with a half dozen “Active Release Technique” treatments, I did 15 miles Saturday, which is the most I’ve done and it’s about 120 miles and 6 weeks behind where my team from Children’s Hospital Boston is at in their overall training.

So while this has all been a challenge to say the least, Marathon Monday may end up a hot sunny day resulting in dehydration or over-hydration for many which should make for a dramatic race with lots of people passing out.

And a little perspective: I’m 43. I can do this. I’m healthy and so are my kids. The children at Childrens Hospital Boston are not healthy. They need us and their doctors to help them get well. So to those of you who raised some great cash at our Feast of the 7 Fishes, THANK YOU. To all those who have donated, THANK YOU! Your generosity at times has brought me to tears.

(First a special note to my close friends and those who I’ve know since I was a kid…I know where you live. And I can get your Social Security number too. DONATE http://ow.ly/7Amb8).

To everyone else: donating is tax deductible, it’s good karma, it will make you feel good, the kids at Childrens Hospital Boston will significantly benefit from it and you are contributing to saving the life of a child. Please pull a couple bucks out of your pocket, donate more than you think you have…surprise yourself, go BIG: HERE http://ow.ly/7Amb8

Tracking: If you want to track Roberts progress you can sign up here to receive 3 automatic text messages towards the beginning, half and at the finish line of the race here:  http://www.baa.org/races/boston-marathon/participant-information/att-athlete-alert.aspx  The BAA.org websites homepage will change on marathon day allowing you to type in Roberts bib #22111 to get an immediate location.

Meeting area at finish in YELLOW. http://www.baa.org/races/boston-marathon/participant-information/course-map.aspx

Boston Marathon Course Map: http://www.baa.org/~/media/Files/BAA/Races/Boston%20Marathon/BMCourseMap2012.pdf

PS: I should finish by 4pm. If you sign up for alerts and don’t get a text saying I finished: PRAY!!

Much Love and many many thanks to everyone and a special thanks to all those who have supported us!
Robert & Family

PS, My large German Shepherd will be in the house while I’m gone, the alarm will be on, booby traps are set and a cop lives right next to me.  Just sayin’

Facebook connect: https://www.facebook.com/robert.siciliano?ref=mf
LIKE https://www.facebook.com/pages/Personal-Security-and-Identity-Theft-Expert-Speaker-Robert-Siciliano/97839383800