Entries by Robert Siciliano

Role Play Your Way to Personal Security

Home security and home burglary protection is more than just installing a home security system. The best defense includes a great offense and a solid strategy incorporating a well thought out plan. Outside of Detroit I worked with local law enforcement to conduct a security seminar at a credit union. This was no ordinary “How…

10 Tips to Secure Online Shopping

Worried about shopping online safely? Shopping online is unquestionably more convenient and efficient than traditional commerce. However it can be scary when entering your personal information on sites you aren’t familiar with. The McAfee SECURE™ Shopping Portal lets you shop on thousands of trusted McAfee SECURE sites, so you don’t have to worry about identity…

Card Not Present Fraud Burdens eTailers

More than 90% of online purchases are made with cards, whether they are credit, debit, or gift cards. A virtual payment that takes place online or over the phone, without physical inspection of the card, is considered a “card not present” or CNP transaction. In a CNP transaction, it is not possible to examine a…

Beware of Storm Related Scams

The crazy (and deadly) weather has scammers and thieves coming out of the woodwork. Whether you have been directly affected by the tornados or not, scammers are preying upon people’s fears. Beware and never open your door to strangers. Keep your home security system turned on during the day. And beware of phone calls from…

Scammers Spoof College Website

Reed College’s entire website was recently copied and replicated, but with the fictitious name “University of Redwood.” The Wall Street Journal reports, “Officials at Reed suspect the site is part of a scheme to collect application fees from prospective students in Hong Kong and Asia.” Presumably, scammers could simply collect a fee and then issue…

Breaches Upon Breaches, Sony, X-Factor, LastPass, bin Laden Scams

When a major corporation like Sony gets hit then you know we are all vulnerable. Sony is a great company and like many great corporations is under constant attack. The landscape of information security is changing every day and criminals are aiming their cyber-weapons at the biggest targets in the world. TechNewsWorld reports LastPass, the…

How Much Would You Pay For a Fake Girlfriend?

They say there’s a sucker born every minute. Not everyone can be sophisticated and worldly. Unfortunately, naiveté invites predators and victimization. Social engineering is the act of manipulating people into performing certain actions or divulging confidential information. Essentially it’s a fancier, more technical form of lying. Combine naiveté with predators who use social engineering to…

13 Year Old Busted In Home Invasion

In California gang members are recruited in their tweens. Kids as young as 12 and 13 are on the streets and engaged in theft and violence like never before. Other big cities aren’t much different. In Boston, where I live, a few kids had passed through my yard and I informed them of what they…

Job Scams Up As Economy Downs

If you are paying attention to the economists, we aren’t out of this just yet. High unemployment is keeping scammers employed by preying on the vulnerable. While burglaries are up, personal and home security goes beyond home alarm systems. It means scammers are coming from all directions. In general, there are a few types of…