Entries by Robert Siciliano

5 Tips to Avoid bin Laden Scams

After Osama bin Ladens Death a flurry of internet scams hit the internet. Most notably scam emails with links to pictures, videos and phony Facebook messages with links to videos that don’t exist. When clicking these links your PC can be infected with a RAT which is a remote access Trojan and all your information…

Spring Is In The Air (And So Are Dating Scams)

Despite the recession, online dating and matchmaking services are becoming increasingly popular. More than ever before, people are looking for love online. Like a roller coaster, online dating can be fun and exciting, or it can be nauseating. Most dating veterans have been there, done that, with a few regrets and lots of lessons learned.…

Top 5 Business Security Risks

1. Data Breaches: Businesses suffer most often from data breaches, making up 35% of total breaches. Medical and healthcare services are also frequent targets, accounting for 29.1% of breaches. Government and military make up 16.2%, banking, credit, and financial services account for 10.5%, and 9.2% of breaches occur in educational institutes. Even if you protect your…

How Important is Cyberspace

Cyberspace has become as essential to the function of daily modern life as we know it, as blood is to the function of our bodies. And I don’t believe that’s an overstatement. If the Internet suddenly vanished, there would be deaths as a result. Our dependency on the Internet has long since passed the point…

Don’t Forget About Garage Security

When you think about home security you may not think about garage security because you don’t actually live it in. But a garage is often one of the best ways for the bad guy to break into your home, especially if it’s an attached garage. Criminals scope out the exterior and seek the path of…

Another Reason To Secure Your WiFi

Sounds crazy but in every presentation I do I stress the importance of making sure your wireless connection is secured to prevent sex offender neighbors or whackos parked in front of your home or business from surfing for child porn and downloading it to your PC or theirs via your internet connection. The AP reports…

McAfee’s Most Unwanted Identity Theft Criminals

McAfee has created a tongue-in-cheek list of the most unwanted identity thieves, describing the various techniques thieves use to steal your information. It’s clever and, unfortunately, very real. Pauly the Pickpocket & Sally Sticky Fingers work as a team to lift wallets and mobile devices from pockets and purses, often in broad daylight. Sally creates…

Hackers Cheat a Stock Market Game

Gaming websites, like banks and retailers, are forced to deal with online fraud and other abuses, which cost the industry hundreds of millions of dollars each year. Many gaming sites have increased efforts to detect suspicious players, but savvy criminals have learned to mask their true identities, changing account information to circumvent conventional methods of…