Entries by Robert Siciliano

How Does Device Reputation Protect Me?

Device reputation spots online evildoers by examining the computer, smartphone, or tablet they are using to connect to any website. If a device is recognized as having previously committed some type of unwanted behavior, the website has the opportunity to reject the transaction, preventing damage before it occurs. In the physical world, as the saying…

Big Game Scores Big For Scammers

Internet criminals follow a similar editorial calendar as newspaper and magazine editors, coordinating their attacks around holidays, and the change in seasons. They further capitalize on significant events and natural disasters. On Super Sunday weekend much of the scamming taking place is designed to separate the public from their money using the Big Game as…

Custom Fitting A Home Security System

There is no such thing as one size fits all. Today, we have more variety and choice than in the first 1950 years of modernity combined. Why? Because we want it! Transportation fueled by oil and gasoline along with big box retailers and suburbia all transformed life as we know it and choice became an…

Top 5 Home Burglary Prevention Reminders

Imagine coming home seeing your side door open and some of your stuff on the ground. You wonder what’s happening and think maybe your stupid irresponsible roommate dropped something. But as you look closer the door is smashed and inside the house looks disheveled. Then the sinking feeling of “I’ve been burglarized” sets in. That’s…

Preventing False Alarms

If you have a home security system, you know the pain associated with false alarms. I have set this thing off at least a 100 times and then I have to run like a gazelle to the keypad to shut it off then wait for alarm central to call me so I can give them…

Who Owns the Online Road?

“Net neutrality” refers to the idea that Internet service providers should treat all sources of data equally. There has been debate as to whether ISPs should be permitted to treat their own content preferentially, or allow certain content providers to pay for faster transmission, creating two tiers of web service. There is also a question…

Google Adds Security to Search

The Internet can be a dangerous neighborhood, and safety precautions are a necessity. . IBM Internet Security Systems blocked 5,000 SQL injections every day in the first two quarters of 2008. By midyear, the number had grown to 25,000 a day. By late fall, attacks climbed to 450,000 daily. The US government servers and sites…