Entries by Robert Siciliano

Part 1 of Identity Theft – 5 Identity Theft Myths Unveiled

#1 You can’t protect yourself from identity theft. Some, not all Identity theft is preventable. There are many things people can do to minimize their risk, both online and offline. Shred anything that has names and account numbers or any other data that can be used to con someone else into divulging even more information.…

McAfee Reveals the Top Ten Most Dangerous Places to Leave Your Social Security Number

Universities/Colleges are the Riskiest Research conducted by Robert Siciliano, Identity Theft expert, on behalf of McAfee Cases of identity theft are skyrocketing, and 32% of all ID theft victims had their social security number compromised according to Javelin’s 2010 Identity Fraud Survey Report.  In honor of National Identity Protection week, McAfee set out to reveal the…

Mobile Phone Security Under Attack

As mobile Internet usage continues its rapid growth, cyber criminals are expected to pay more attention to this sector. Mobile device platforms compete for content creators’ latest innovations, which often require more and more device access. As applications and other content are more widely distributed, security breaches will be inevitable. The speed of technological advancement…

Seminar to Feature ISECOM’s OSSTMM v3

Pete Herzog, Founder of ISECOM, will be discussing the revised Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual (OSSTMM v3) and how it applies to web application security today (10-13-2010) in Raleigh, NC. Pete rarely gets to the US, so this is a unique opportunity for security professionals to have an open discussion with him about trust-based…

Five Ways Identities Are Stolen Online

Cybercrime has become a trillion dollar issue. In a recent survey, hundreds of companies around the world estimated that they had lost a combined $4.6 billion in intellectual property as a result of data breaches, and spent approximately $600 million repairing the damage. Based on these numbers, McAfee projects that companies lost more than a trillion…