Entries by Robert Siciliano

Who Are Your Kids Chatting With On Their Webcam?

Growing up we used to spend hours prank calling people we knew and also calling completely random numbers. The best calls were when you got someone on the line that got all mad and reacted in a way that made us want to call that person every five minutes forever. We just needed “stimulation.” Then…

When FTC Sends a Warning, Data Theft Has Jumped the Shark

When Fonzie jumped the shark on his HOG, that spelt the end of Happy Days. The FTC sending a warning to 100 companies and agencies that their employees are leaking client  and sensitive data on the web via Peer to Peer file sharing (P2P) is the single most pathetic and embarrassing communication to come across…

RATs Are Committing Identity Theft Via Webcams

A webcam is certainly one way the bad guy can get intelligence about you. They can use it to spy on you. They can listen into everything you say all day. They know when you are home or not, whether or not you have an alarm, they watch you. But in my opinion, the real…