Entries by Robert Siciliano

Diploma Mills Facilitate Identity Theft

Robert Siciliano Identity Theft Expert Diploma mills were born along with elearning institutions who are actually legitimate and accredited bodies. Degrees and diplomas issued by diploma mills are frequently used for fraudulent purposes, such as obtaining employment, promotions, raises, or bonuses on false pretenses. They can also be used as a form of fake ID…

mCrimes Morph Into mBotnets

Robert Siciliano Identity Theft Expert Botnets are robot networks of computers connected to the Internet that sit in our homes and offices. A botnet is generally banks of multiple PC’s from the 10’s to 10,000’s to millions. There are no hard numbers on botnets but last figure I saw was somewhere between 3-5 million. Another…

Personal Security: Scareware Scares You In To Paying

Robert Siciliano Identity Theft Expert Makers of fake anti-virus software force people to buy ‘scareware’. If one could have a favorite scam, for me, it would be “scareware.” My reasoning is it’s one of the few scams that actually gets through to me. My computer’s defenses are pretty good, but I still see scareware. They’ve…

EFT Point of Sales Hackers Net $50 Million

Robert Siciliano Identity Theft Expert Readers of these posts are familiar with ATM skimming. ATM skimming is a billion dollar problem and growing. A relatively new scam over the past few years is electronic funds transfers at the point of sale (EFTPOS ) skimming. People commonly swipe both credit and debit cards through the in-store…

Police Battle Break-in Trend

Robert Siciliano Identity Theft Expert Belmont Massachusetts is right near Boston. This is not too far from my house and it’s where people “Pahk the Cahh in Hahvad Yahd.”  Police are fighting a battle that has its residents all shook up over more than a dozen home burglaries in recent weeks. Many of the victims…

Citizens Need to be More Involved in Cybersecurity

Robert Siciliano Identity Theft Expert In the University of Cincinnati’s Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, the authors write “The general population must be engaged as active security providers, not simply beneficiaries of security policy, because their practices often create the threats to which government responds.” Somebody is saying to take personal responsibility and…

How Banks Fail to Provide Effective Online Security

Robert Siciliano Identity Theft Expert A Texas bank is suing one of its customers who was hit by an $800,000 online bank theft that could determine who is to be held responsible for protecting their online accounts from fraud. Computerworld reports Romanian and Italian based criminal hackers launched numerous wire transfers out of the client’s…

Apartment Security 101

Robert Siciliano Identity Theft Expert According to the National Crime Prevention Council, apartments have an 85 percent more chance of being burglarized. Homeowner or renter, everyone has the same cares and concerns regarding their personal security. As a landlord, or, as I request they refer to me, a Landdude, I make apartment security a priority…

Family Starts Rebuilding After Home Invasion

Robert Siciliano Identity Theft Expert Imagine you’ve lived at your home for a number of years, but it doesn’t feel like home anymore. It used to be a place that was comforting and soothing; a place of security where you didn’t have to “worry.” But then your home is burglarized. Your home is ransacked; your…

Targeted Injection Attacks on the Rise

Robert Siciliano Identity Theft Expert In the latter half of 2009, criminal hackers went from mass SQL injection campaigns to targeted attacks. SQL is abbreviation of Structured Query Language. Pronounced  ”Ess Que El” or ”Sequel”. The attackers shift in strategy focused on targeting high-profile websites, concluded Websense’s State of Internet Security report for the third and fourth quarter…