Entries by Robert Siciliano

Protect from Personal Loan Scam

Are you thinking of getting a personal loan? Hopefully you have a high credit score, as this will give you a better chance of getting the loan through a legitimate company. But even if your credit is excellent, you need to be aware of the personal loan scams out there. Not Respecting Your Limit You…

11 Ways to Mitigate Insider Security Threats

Companies are constantly attacked by hackers, but what if those attacks come from the inside? More companies than ever before are dealing with insider security threats.Here are 11 steps that all organizations should take to mitigate these threats and protect important company data: Always encrypt your data If you want to minimize the impact of…

How to recycle Old Devices

When it comes to tossing into the rubbish your old computer device, out of sight means out of mind, right? Well yeah, maybe to the user. But let’s tack something onto that well-known mantra: Out of site, out of mind, into criminal’s hands. Your discarded smartphone, laptop or what-have-you contains a goldmine for thieves—because the…

How to Rock the Room as a Professional Speaker

For those of you who want to knock your presentations out of the park and be the speaker everyone raves about, Victoria LaBalme is leading an unbelievably unique workshop titled Rock the Room LIVE. If you create and deliver keynotes, trainings, breakouts, podcasts, videos, webinars or teleseminars, this event will completely catapult you from being “good”…

How to shop securely with a Mobile Phone

“You can buy things with your phone!” No kidding! But imagine what the response would have been had you made this statement in 1984: “Off your meds, eh?” Purchasing via the smartphone may very well eclipse the popularity of shopping via laptop. And cyber thieves know this. They’re counting on you to slip up. Never…

Hackers don’t play well with Kids’ Toys

No company is immune from hackers—even a toy company. Hong Kong based VTech got hit by a hacker recently. This company makes techy educational toys for kids, and its database got breached. Customers go to the Learning Lodge store and download content to their children’s VTech devices. The devices for downloading to are a tablet,…