Entries by Robert Siciliano

Feds Perp Social Media Identity Theft

A federal agent impersonated a woman without her knowledge; he created a Facebook page in a woman named Sondra, and the Justice Department is defending him. In addition, he posted racy photos of her, from her cell phone, to the site. The site was being used to connect with suspected criminals. Sondra learned of this…

10 tips to Secure Passwords

Ever wonder just how hackers bust into systems and cause destruction? One reason is because people are still using weak passwords. While your pet’s name and wedding anniversary dates are easy to remember and sentimental to use, this approach makes a hacker’s job all too easy. Here are 10 things you should know about passwords.…

Cloud Data Breaches mo’ Money

IT people need to beef up their opinions about cloud security, says a recent report by the Ponemon Institute called “Data Breach: The Cloud Multiplier Effect.” Yes, data breaches occur in the cloud. In fact, it can be triple the cost of a data breach involving a brick and mortar medium. The report put together…

20, Yes 20 Home Safety Security Tips

There are really so very many ways to protect and make your home safe as well as secure—ways you’d never even think of, so here they are, as well as the classic ways that many people still neglect to implement. Big numbers. Make sure your house’s address numbers are very visible to EMS and firefighters.…

10 ways to protect your Devices and Data

Gee, it used to be just your desk computer that needed protection from cyber thugs. Now, your connected thermostat, egg tray monitor, teen’s smartphone, garage door opener, even baby monitor, are all game for cyber creeps. Can’t be said enough: Install antivirus software. This software really does make a huge difference. Malware scanners are not…

College bound kids: protect your identity

The good old days were when today’s college kids’ parents lugged their typewriters into their dorm room, and they communicated to people via the phone on their room’s wall. Their biggest worry was someone stealing their popcorn maker. Nowadays, college kids need to beware of remote invasions by thieves. Major educational institutions have reported numerous…

Top 10 Preventative Security Measures for your Home

How safe do you really think your home is? Lock the doors. This no-brainer doesn’t just mean when you’re gone all evening. It means during the daytime when you’re home. There’s no reason for doors to be unlocked when you’re inside the house. Does your lock consist of a deadbolt? Don’t rely on just a…

The Whitehouse Break-in

What a nutcase: the man who recently broke into the White House, missing President Obama by just minutes. (Why isn’t the White House fence more unscalable?) Omar J. Gonzalez, 42 and unarmed, was arrested just inside the house. The Texan was charged with unlawful entry, and it’s not clear what his motive was. The Sept.…

How sharing Files puts You at risk

Okay, so you were taught to share your toys in the sandbox, but little did your parents know that years later, sharing your files could result in disaster. People share personal and business files all the time on their computers without realizing the security risks. Not all data breaches occur due to malicious events. An…