Entries by Robert Siciliano

Russian Organized Crime: Krem D’la Krem of Hackers

The Russians have definitely come…in the world of cybercrime. A Russian ring of hackers has amassed 1.2 billion stolen passwords and usernames involving 400,000 websites. The criminals have also garnered 542 million e-mail addresses. And these Russians didn’t discriminate: Any website they could bust into, they did, ranging from big U.S. companies to little websites—anything.…

15 ways to prevent Travel related Identity Theft

See if you’ve been employing the safeguards below to protect your identity while traveling. #1 Put snail mail on hold. Crooks love to scavenge through overflowing mail boxes to seek out personal information to steal an identity. Prevent this by arranging the postal service to put a stop on your mail. #2 Clean up, thin…

Data Breaches May Result in Board Breakups

The ripple effect continues to haunt Target: It’s expected that seven of its board of directors members may be replaced because they failed to provide effective oversight into the corporation’s data-protection risks. Boards simply need to be more proactive in safeguarding their companies against data breaches. Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) prepared a report on the…

Data Breach Response Planning 101

Don’t think in terms of “if” you’ll suffer a data breach, but rather, “when.” Once you establish this mindset, it’s time for you to develop a response plan. After all, a security system that’s impenetrable has yet to be invented. What’s even more, an amazing number of businesses don’t even have the best security system…

Home Invasion Task Force on high Alert

Florida’s Collier County residents have a new fear on the block: masked home invaders. But really, they’re more like home walker-inners, because in the five reported cases, they got in via an unlocked door. A task force was assembled on April 7 to figure out anything about these home invasions that began mid-February in which…

10 Tips to Stay Safe Online

Hang ten, dude! It’s summertime and surfers are taking to the ocean to go catch some gnarly waves. Experienced surfers know that there are dangers out in the water and are trained to look out for them. These dangers include rip currents, shallow water, and of course, sharks. Just like there are dangers in the…

Cyber Security Insurance Difficult for Business to Navigate

Cyber insurance is now booming, with about 50 carriers in the industry. An increasing number of companies have cyber insurance to protect against cyber crime. However, businesses claim it’s not easy to get adequate coverage. Losses from data breaches are difficult to quantify. The tangible losses are more easily insured, says a New York Times…

Business Identity Theft; Big Brands, Big Problems

Cyber criminals go after brand names like vultures, infiltrating company websites, hijacking mobile applications and tainting online ads, among other tricks. Some corporate websites aren’t as secure as business leaders think they are—and cyber thieves know this. They use the “watering hole” technique to infiltrate the system. Ever see an animal TV show in which…

Healthcare Establishing Customer Security Programs

Consumers really get stiffed when there’s a data breach, having to change their passwords, replace credit cards, and other bothersome tasks, not to mention the grief over stolen personal information. Healthcare organizations (a prime target of cyber criminals for several reasons) need to think beyond the approach of, “Here’s how we’re protecting your data,” and…

Going to Plan B for Survival

If your “Plan A” for survival sinks, do you have a Plan B backup? Forget rushing to the grocery store when disaster like a snowstorm strikes. Everyone else will have the same idea. Need I say more? The supermarket and the convenience store are the first places a panicking town will flock to for food…