Entries by Robert Siciliano

Can Home Invasion of Elderly Cause Heart Attack?

I’m a home security expert and have given many speeches on how to protect your home from an invasion, but one of the topics that doesn’t seem to get much attention is the possibility of a heart attack being triggered in an elderly homeowner by the stress of an intrusion. Here are two alarming cases…

Top Security Techniques That Work For The Masters

Banks know security just about better than anyone. Find out what they can teach you about safeguarding your small business. Security is a journey, not a destination. This is a security industry axiom that means we can strive for security, and by making this effort, we can put ourselves on a path to security. But…

Businesses fail in Customer Privacy

The U.S. Consumer Confidence Index, released by TRUSTe®, shows an alarming trend: A high percentage of U.S. people over age 18 are unnerved about their online privacy, and this trend is worsening. This survey was conducted online among 2,019 U.S. adults and reveals that 92 percent of the participants are on edge, at least some…

7 Ways to Tell If It’s a Fake

Unfortunately in today’s world, scammers are coming at us from all angles to try and trick us to get us to part with our hard earned money. We all need to be vigilant in protecting ourselves online. If you aren’t paying attention—even if you know what to look for—they can get you. There are numerous…

WiFi Security Truths and Falsehoods

Security truths evolve—meaning, they change, and you must keep up with this, particularly with wireless security. Advice for wireless security can quickly become outdated. There are actually three big wireless security myths swirling around. #1. Limit the IP address pool to restrict number of devices that can connect. Even if your cable company tech recommends…

Banks and Retailers fight it out over Who’s at fault

The duking out between banks and retailers was launched this past December when a credit card data breach occurred to an estimated 110 customers of a big retail store. Is the retailer responsible? Should the credit card issuers or banks take the brunt of preventive action? What about the consumer? Lawmakers are trying to figure…

Tips on Getting a Dog for Home Protection

As a security analyst, I have always endorsed getting a dog for home protection. I’m going to provide some tips on what to look for in a home security dog, but first I want to briefly share a riveting true story that was reported on Madison.com. “Slim” is a police dog. Police in Madison, WI,…

Banking and Brokerage Accounts vulnerable to “Account Takeover”

It wasn’t pretty: those fairly recent credit card breaches at a few big-name retailers. As newsworthy as these were, they’re actually not the greatest risk for wealthy folks; a bigger foe is a money management firm lacking sufficient checks and balances. Attack schemes: Another type of attack can hit an organization hard: some cyber punk…