The State of Information Security Sucks

Robert Siciliano Identity Theft Expert

The sheer volume of potential targets coupled with the vast amounts of money to be made has captured the attention of the global criminal hacking community.

Enterprise networks are becoming hardened and they are still vulnerable. Some are being penetrated directly while others are accessed through 3rd parities such as their clients or end users. Unprotected networks are being sniffed out and data breaches continue.

The organizations that track these breaches are bored, frustrated, hate the industry and offer no good news. Innovation isn’t happening fast enough and new laws and regulations aren’t effective in solving the problems.

PCI and all those who fall under its requirements are chasing their tail. Infighting continues and rumblings of lawsuits against PCI persist.

Law enforcement is getting better at investigating and catching the badguy, but there are far more of them then there are of us.

Between the TJX breach and the Heartland hack there were as many as 224 million credit and debit card numbers hacked. The criminals penetrated the networks “in broad daylight” so to speak, which means they didn’t have much trouble getting in. The hacks may have occurred via unsecured wireless networks, SQL injections or via social engineering though a phishing email with infected links.

While IT security professionals and white-hat hackers are fighting the battle with newer, better, faster, more robust technologies to keep the bad-guy out, the bad guy still gets in via the path of least resistance, which may be human error, laziness or a zero-day attack consisting of  something we’ve never seen before. Often it is the former.

New stories keep coming out depicting small businesses losing hundreds of thousands of dollars via online banking hacks and the banks filing suit so they don’t have to pay it back.

I just spoke to 60 bankers at a conference in Las Vegas. Many of them professed to learning a lot. . No offense here, but I am of the belief that nothing I say should be in any way “new information” to anyone in the banking industry.

As we move closer to mobile banking and a dozen new ways to process credit cards we create new opportunity for the criminals and we haven’t tightened up existing vulnerabilities yet.

We are fragmented and all over the place with an incredible array of interdependent technologies that are set up with convenience in mind and security second.

Somebody please tell me to shut up.

Protect your identity.

1. Get a credit freeze. Click on the preceding link and follow the steps for your particular state. This is an absolutely necessary tool to secure your credit. In most cases, it prevents new accounts from being opened in your name. This makes your Social Security number useless to a potential identity thief.

2. Invest in anti-virus and keep it auto-updated and check out my spyware killer IDTheftSecurty HERE

3. Go to my website and get my FREE ebook on how to protect yourself from the bad guy.

4. Invest in Intelius identity theft protection and prevention. Not all forms of identity theft can be prevented, but identity theft protection services can dramatically reduce your risk. (Disclosures)

Robert Siciliano Identity Theft Speaker discussing ATM skimming on ExtraTV

Fostering Awareness & Improving Security Education

Robert Siciliano Identity Theft Expert

Financial institutions have the most to lose and the most to gain by improving security education of their clients and employees.

A while back  I appeared on a local TV show talking about phishing. Amazingly, still, not everyone knows what phishing is. A good friend saw the show and was shocked by what she learned….about her bank.

She received a phishing email and didn’t know what it was. The email asked her to update her account. It was confusing so she called her bank. She spent 20 minutes on the phone with a bank rep discussing her account and the bank could find no record of the communication or any issues with her account. At the conclusion of the call the bank rep said, “I don’t know why you received this email, your account information is in order.” Click.

That night she saw my phishing clip and wondered why the bank never mentioned a single word about phishing. Her bank failed her. They failed to educate her and therefore failed to protect her. She is no longer a client of that bank.

The mindset of financial institutions needs to change drastically when it comes to educating their clients about identity theft and security issues. Old school “sweep it under the rug” don’t discuss it because it will scare people school of thought is dead. People want, need and require information to protect themselves.

The game has changed. People are concerned for their personal security and are hungry to learn. The fact that you or anyone reads this blog is a testament to society as a whole wants to learn. Soccer moms are now security moms.  I’ve seen major industry players in the anti-virus space catering to these mommy bloggers and others because they understand the public is hungry for this. Banks, well, not so much.

Engage the public and they will respect you and want to do further business with you.

Linda McGlasson, Managing Editor at interviewed me for a segment on this issue. Listen to the Podcast here It requires a login but its worth your time.

Protect your identity.

1. Get a credit freeze. Click on the preceding link and follow the steps for your particular state. This is an absolutely necessary tool to secure your credit. In most cases, it prevents new accounts from being opened in your name. This makes your Social Security number useless to a potential identity thief.

2. Invest in anti-virus and keep it auto-updated and check out my spyware killer IDTheftSecurty HERE

3. Go to my website and get my FREE ebook on how to protect yourself from the bad guy.

4. Invest in Intelius identity theft protection and prevention. Not all forms of identity theft can be prevented, but identity theft protection services can dramatically reduce your risk. (Disclosures)

Robert Siciliano Identity Theft Speaker discussing the lack of security in online banking on CBS Boston

Diploma Mills Facilitate Identity Theft

Robert Siciliano Identity Theft Expert

Diploma mills were born along with elearning institutions who are actually legitimate and accredited bodies. Degrees and diplomas issued by diploma mills are frequently used for fraudulent purposes, such as obtaining employment, promotions, raises, or bonuses on false pretenses. They can also be used as a form of fake ID when posing as someone else to gain employment, impersonation of a licensed professional or used to assist as a breeder document leading to “real” fake ID’s.

A fake diploma is an effective social engineering tool used to gain access to your corporate networks.

From Wikipedia “A diploma mill (also known as a degree mill) is an organization that awards academic degrees and diplomas with substandard or no academic study and without recognition by official educational accrediting bodies. The purchaser can then claim to hold an academic degree, and the organization is motivated by making a profit. These degrees are often awarded based on vaguely construed life experience. Some such organizations claim accreditation by non-recognized/unapproved accrediting bodies set up for the purposes of providing a veneer of authenticity.”

The diploma mills often model the names or accredited educational institutions. They may even take a portion of a universities name and make it a part of their own. Such modeling tactics involve using similar logos, color schemes, and designing their websites to mimic an Ivy League school, right down to the .edu web address.

Just like a legitimate college or university, diploma mills may actually require the student to purchase books, do homework and take tests.  However, the diploma mill may make it extremely easy for someone to pass. Students in many cases are able simply purchase a diploma no questions asked. Many of these organizations are nothing more than glorified print shops.

As an employer who requires a diploma as official entry to your organization, you must recognize the risks associated with accepting documents that are fake, designed to give the bad guy access to your networks.

Diploma mills and the documents they print can be difficult to detect. However, today, thanks to the Internet, many websites and organizations are publicly “outing” diploma mills.

When hiring and presented with a diploma, search out the name of the educational institution and see what comes up. More effective is to do a search of the name on the diploma then “diploma mill” in quotes. If you begin to see a trend of sites popping up referencing fraud then call your attorney. Someone who is likely to commit fraud of this nature, may cause even more problems when you decline their employment.

Protect your identity.

1. Get a credit freeze. Click on the preceding link and follow the steps for your particular state. This is an absolutely necessary tool to secure your credit. In most cases, it prevents new accounts from being opened in your name. This makes your Social Security number useless to a potential identity thief.

2. Invest in anti-virus and keep it auto-updated and check out my spyware killer IDTheftSecurty HERE

3. Go to my website and get my FREE ebook on how to protect yourself from the bad guy.

4. Invest in Intelius identity theft protection and prevention. Not all forms of identity theft can be prevented, but identity theft protection services can dramatically reduce your risk. (Disclosures)

Robert Siciliano Identity Theft Speaker discussing fraud on Fox News

mCrimes Morph Into mBotnets

Robert Siciliano Identity Theft Expert

Botnets are robot networks of computers connected to the Internet that sit in our homes and offices. A botnet is generally banks of multiple PC’s from the 10’s to 10,000’s to millions. There are no hard numbers on botnets but last figure I saw was somewhere between 3-5 million. Another stat is 25 percent of all US based PC’s are on a botnet. That’s just insane.  Botnets PC’s are called Zombies. Zombies all generally share a virus in common that allows for a remote control component. The criminal hacker controls the zombies on the botnet via an IRC control server or via a peer to peer network.

The combined power of the zombies on the botnet allows the criminals to commit all kinds of crimes such as denial of service attacks, mass spam campaigns of blasting viruses to millions.

Often botnets are used to store stolen data or to host spoofed websites that collect that data.

Now comes “Sexy Space,” an infected text message containing a link that when clicked downloads a file making that phone part of an mBot. mBots are made up of “Zobiles”.  The download then infects the users contact list and in typical virus multiplication fashion, sends the Sexy Space text to them too.

It is believed that infected phones could then be used in similar ways as traditional zombies are.  The extra twist with a zobile is its ability to take pictures, video, and used as a covert audio listening device. It can also sniff out wireless connections to the Internet and gather additional data to be used to hack.

History indicates that we are at the forefront of an era in which criminal hackers develop tools and techniques to steal your money using your own cell phone. Fifteen years ago, cell phones were bulky and cumbersome, they had to be carried in bags or briefcases. Then they became chunky, heavy bricks. Calls dropped every other minute. Clearly, cell phones have evolved since then. Today’s cell phone is a lot more than a phone. It’s a computer, one that rivals many desktops and laptops being manufactured today.

Never click on links in text messages unless you are 100 percent sure it’s a legitimate communication from a trusted source.

Follow your phones manufacturers and carriers recommendations on securing your phone. A search on “mobile phone security” turns up options/downloads/security to consider.

Protect your identity.

1. Get a credit freeze. Click on the preceding link and follow the steps for your particular state. This is an absolutely necessary tool to secure your credit. In most cases, it prevents new accounts from being opened in your name. This makes your Social Security number useless to a potential identity thief.

2. Invest in anti-virus and keep it auto-updated and check out my spyware killer IDTheftSecurty HERE

3. Go to my website and get my FREE ebook on how to protect yourself from the bad guy.

4. Invest in Intelius identity theft protection and prevention. Not all forms of identity theft can be prevented, but identity theft protection services can dramatically reduce your risk. (Disclosures)

Robert Siciliano Identity Theft Speaker discussing mobile phone crimes and hacking on the Mike and Juliet Show

3 Nabbed in Massachusetts ATM Skimming Ring

Robert Siciliano Identity Theft Expert

Police believe they may have uncovered an international ATM “skimming” ring responsible for stealing money from hundreds of local accounts. Izaylo Hristov, 28, of Ontario, Canada, a Bulgarian citizen, was arrested at an ATM in the Boston area along with Viadiclav Vladevo and Anton Venkov. Venkov had $99,100 in $20 bills in his car when he was arrested. One of them had Dunkin’ Donuts gift cards and American Express cards with post-it notes that had “PIN’’ and various numbers written on them. These cards were used to write the stolen data on, and then used to make withdrawals.

It was not too long ago that I bought an ATM north of Boston from a dude named Bob at a bar and rolled it through the streets of Boston nabbing unsuspecting users who entered their debit cards and PINS. I performed this crazy stunt to demonstrate how easy it is and how vulnerable we are. As a writer/blogger/speaker my primary motivation is to educate and inform, so the public and industry doesn’t get scammed.

Apparently a few more than a few people in the Boston area didn’t watch this on Fox Boston, or this on NBC Boston or read this in the Boston Globe. Because many of them got scammed over the course of the past few weeks. I’m trying here people. All you have to do is pay attention.

You can protect yourself from these types of scams first by covering your pin!! Scammers have a difficult time turning your 16 digit account numbers into cash without the PIN. Consider never using a debit card again, since credit cards are safer. When using an ATM, pay close attention to details, and look for anything that seems out of place. If your card gets stuck in the machine or you notice anything odd about the appearance of the machine, such as wires, double sided tape, error messages or the machine seems unusually old and run down, don’t use it. Don’t use just any ATM. Instead, look for ATMs in more secure locations. Ultimately you must pay close attention to your statements. Refute unauthorized transactions within 60 days. Check with your bank to determine what their timeframe is to refute unauthorized withdrawals. In some cases an can be as early as a week.

1. Get a credit freeze. Click on the preceding link and follow the steps for your particular state. This is an absolutely necessary tool to secure your credit. In most cases, it prevents new accounts from being opened in your name. This makes your Social Security number useless to a potential identity thief.

2. Invest in anti-virus and keep it auto-updated and check out my spyware killer IDTheftSecurty HERE

3. Go to my website and get my FREE ebook on how to protect yourself from the bad guy.

4. Invest in Intelius identity theft protection and prevention. Not all forms of identity theft can be prevented, but identity theft protection services can dramatically reduce your risk. (Disclosures)

Robert Siciliano Identity Theft Speaker discussing the Bulgarian ATM scammer getting busted on Fox Boston

10 Ways to Manage Your Online Social Media Reputation

Robert Siciliano Identity Theft Expert

The Internet has made our personal and professional lives very transparent. We now live in the fishbowl. Despite what many will argue, your privacy is no longer fully in your control. Your online identity is also something that others can control, and you need to do your best to manage it. Managing your online reputation and protecting it is equivalent to marketing your personal brand, YOU.

A colleague of mine is an adjunct professor of writing and communications at Boston University. He’s very intelligent and excellent at what he does. However if you were to look up his name on the web you would find some pretty horrible commentary on a professor ratings site from some of his former students, many of which flunked out of his class.

He of course, was devastated. I would be too. When awful things about you show up on the first page of search, that’s nothing to take lightly. Especially if you are submitting applications for jobs, schools, running for office or going out on date for that matter. Anyone who Googles you then sees the negativity.

Recently I was contacted by a consultant who specializes in marketing of consultants. OK, I’m listening. So I get the pitch and it sounded like a great deal. We hashed out all the terms and conditions, I checked her references and was ready to write a check. Then my security instinct kicked in. As soon as money is to leave my bank account and head towards another, I begin to think differently, its how I’m wired.  I did a search online of this consultant and the company she works for before I sent the check.

Immediately on the first page of search, reports from the Better Business Bureau, Complaints Board and the dreaded RipoffReport show up. There was also a blog set up by one very upset customer who felt slighted by this company. The blog was started over a year ago and he still contributes to it.  This company had 16 registered complaints with the BBB and only 10 were solved. Based on my research and what I had originally thought was a to good to be true offer in the first place, I chose not to do business with this company.

I know that companies with high volume and lots of customers are bound to upset someone. So there is certainly room for error. If you have a million clients and 1500 complaints, you’re doing pretty well.  Frankly, as a professional speaker I know that in most presentations I give that 5 percent of the room will absolutely loath me. They may not like my Boston accent, or I look like an ex-husband, or the bully who tortured them in school or simply because I’m breathing. But 95% want me to come back and teach them more. So you can’t please everyone.

Left unattended, the wild wild web and “search” is a relatively uncontrollable aspect of your reputation, unless of course you make and attempt to control it.

  1. Register your full name and those of your spouse and kids on the most trafficked social media sites, blogs, domains or web based email accounts. If your name is already gone, include your middle initial, a period or a hyphen. It’s up to you to decide whether or not to plug in your picture and basic bio, but consider leaving out your age or birthday.
  2. Set up a free Google Alerts for your name and get an email every time your name pops up online. If you encounter a site that disparages you, Google has advice. Get a Google Profile. It’s free and it shows up on page one.
  3. Set up a free StepRep account for your name. StepRep is an online reputation manager that does a better job than Google Alerts does of fetching your name on the web.
  4. Go to This is an online portal that goes out and registers your name at what they consider the top 150 social media sites.
  5. Start doing things online to boost your online reputation. Blogging is best. You want Google to bring your given name to the top of search in its best light, so when anyone is searching for you they see good things. Bury bad stuff 20 deep. This is a combination of online reputation management and search engine optimization for your brand: YOU.
  6. Get a WordPress blog with your name in the address bar. Set up a account and blast your blog/Tweets to all your social media.
  7. Buy a domain name that is or is close to your real name and plaster your name in the HTML header so it comes up in search.
  8. Get a credit freeze. Click on the preceding link and follow the steps for your particular state. This is an absolutely necessary tool to secure your credit. In most cases, it prevents new accounts from being opened in your name. This makes your Social Security number useless to a potential identity thief.
  9. Go to my website and get my FREE ebook on how to protect yourself from the bad guy.
  10. Invest in Intelius identity theft protection and prevention. Intelius helps to protect your identity. They monitor your credit and they scan the net looking for your data. Not all forms of identity theft can be prevented, but identity theft protection services can dramatically reduce your risk. (Disclosures)

Robert Siciliano Identity Theft Speaker with ID Analytics discussing Social Media Identity Theft on Fox Boston

419 Scams Double, Over $9 Billion in Profits

Robert Siciliano Identity Theft Expert

A recent study by Dutch investigation firm Ultrascan shows we are half as smart (or twice as dumb) as we were in 2008 as advanced fee scams doubled in losses to over $9 billion. 419 Advance Fee Fraud Statistics 2009 (PDF)

It is believed that while the scams are known to be Nigerian in nature, coined after the 419 Nigerian code making them illegal, scams were launched from 69 other countries in 2009.  The reason for the jump in the amount of victims is due to a broader reach of the scammer. Scammers aren’t just targeting English speaking nations anymore. As people in developing countries get computers and a connection to the Internet, they become susceptible to the same old scam other countries got snagged by a decade ago.

Big targets have become China, India, South Korea, Vietnam, and others. Many of the scams of the past had an “insurance fee” pitch that required a percentage of money sent in order to insure so many millions made their way to another bank somewhere. This “investment” by the victim was supposed to get them a percentage of the big pot. Once the scammer got a hold of the victims, they would build a relationship with them, in many cases romantically, to get them emotionally involved in the ruse.

However in China, the Chinese get hooked by lottery scams. And in India, a culture of hard workers, people fall for student visa and job placement scams. The hook in all these scams is the victim believes an inbound communication to be legitimate. From there, the scammers will say and do anything to get the victims to wire money. But it usually doesn’t end there. Once they get a rube on the hook, they will come up with as many reasons as possible to completely drain the victim of all their money.

Criminals aren’t any smarter than we are, but they know how to capitalize on our stupidity. They pull on emotional strings, they use greed, lust and many other human impulses to trigger us. Come on people; please just don’t be stupid, OK? And tell those in your life who are less than cognizant, just hit delete.

Protect your identity:

1. Get a credit freeze. Click on the preceding link and follow the steps for your particular state. This is an absolutely necessary tool to secure your credit. In most cases, it prevents new accounts from being opened in your name. This makes your Social Security number useless to a potential identity thief.

2. Invest in anti-virus and keep it auto-updated and check out my spyware killer IDTheftSecurty HERE

3. Go to my website and get my FREE ebook on how to protect yourself from the bad guy.

4. Invest in Intelius identity theft protection and prevention. Not all forms of identity theft can be prevented, but identity theft protection services can dramatically reduce your risk. (Disclosures)

Robert Siciliano, identity theft speaker, discusses various scams on TBS’s Movie and a Makeover.

Criminal Hackers Buying and Selling Hacked Accounts

Robert Siciliano Identity Theft Expert

Malicious software designed to gather usernames and passwords has been a boon for the criminal hacking community. Spyware as it’s commonly known records almost everything a user does on their PC. The most damaging spyware records all electronic communications via a web browser. That’s where the most damage can be done and the money is made.

Recent study shows there are as many as 70,000 variations of these keystroke sniffing programs which is double what was discovered in 2008.  Criminals have become proficient at hacking databases containing millions of credit card numbers but now have such a glut of data, they have to work hard to turn it into actual cash.

IT security professional have also become better at discovering a breach and those same credit card numbers become invalid soon after.

When fully accessing a persons, or a businesses bank account, this allows the criminal hacker more time to transfer funds and write checks to themselves.  Scraping user names and passwords for Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites also allows the hacker to spread more spyware to those in the trusted circle and gives the attacker an opportunity reach out to the friends or followers of the victims to scam money in many other ways.

These same hackers are enjoying access to a persons email account which may have a trove of data leading to even more usernames and passwords either contained in attached or cloud based documents. Having access to hacked email allows the resetting of many of the victims “password resets’ on various accounts too.

Protect your identity:

1. Get a credit freeze. Click on the preceding link and follow the steps for your particular state. This is an absolutely necessary tool to secure your credit. In most cases, it prevents new accounts from being opened in your name. This makes your Social Security number useless to a potential identity thief.

2. Invest in anti-virus and keep it auto-updated and check out my spyware killer IDTheftSecurty HERE

3. Go to my website and get my FREE ebook on how to protect yourself from the bad guy.

4. Invest in Intelius identity theft protection and prevention. Not all forms of identity theft can be prevented, but identity theft protection services can dramatically reduce your risk. (Disclosures)

Robert Siciliano identity theft speaker discussing hacked Hotmail accounts on Fox News

My Identity Thief Loves Me (PTI)

Robert Siciliano Identity Theft Expert

I have a very weird job. I explore aspects of society that people read about but would never consider exploring themselves. I go places where others may be led to because they didn’t know any better. And I like too expose the flaws in the system that make us vulnerable. Much of my “research” or “antics” as some would call it is prompted by my desire to learn more about the scumbags of society or predators that prey on other people.

My research has taken me down a dark seedy road into online dating scams, where some people are at their most emotionally vulnerable. The predators work a form of 419/advanced fee scam that always involved a money wire transfer.

There is something about people with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) that intrigues me. Antisocial personality disorder is a type of chronic mental illness in which your ways of thinking, perceiving situations and relating to others are dysfunctional. When you have antisocial personality disorder, you typically have no regard for right and wrong. You may often violate the law and the rights of others, landing yourself in frequent trouble or conflict. You may lie, behave violently, and have drug and alcohol problems. And you may not be able to fulfill responsibilities to your family, work or school. Some say at least a full 1 percent of the world has this.

I say 99 percent of all people have had ASPD for at least a day/week/month/year, except me 😉

My recent love affair was prompted by a call from a national television show producer who is newly divorced. She, like many millions of others, (about 40 million +) is subscribed to online dating services. She is in a circle of women who all are in their early 50’s, married young and now find themselves in a new chapter of their lives.

With this degree of transition and being single comes an unfair level of loneliness that is very difficult to overcome without support from others. At times in my life, early on, I experienced this can tell you first hand, loneliness often trumps common sense and facilitates bad decision making.

She and a dozen of her girlfriends all got together recently and discovered many of them were being courted, online by men from the UK. These men would say the nicest things to them. For example (and this is within 1 week):

In me sweetheart you are going to find the most passionate, loving and romantic man you have ever met. There are very few promises in life but this is one of them!. ROMANCE is the key to my happiness and to my heart and soul!. It is the single biggest reason I am single today is because I have yet to find a woman who will romance me with the passion of there heart and be a giver of there love, and not just a taker. I am a man who is very committed to the special woman I am sharing my heart and soul with. I totally dedicate and devote my life totally to this person 24/7, for her she’s my Queen and it is my belief that as long as she’s my Queen, I would treat her good and right, by putting her on a pedestal that is reserved only for a Queen and showing her with an endless amount of affection, attention, passion, and unconditional love. It is my duty as a follower of the word of God to be her provider, providing for her emotional, mental, and sexual needs. It is my responsibility as her King to take any problems and stress that she has in her life and put it on my shoulders to free her of it, for I am a man and her King!. My shoulders are bigger so it is my obligation to carry the burdens she might has in life off them, allowing her to have a healthy mind, body, and heart and soul at all times. I love and cherish this role sweetheart, and it is because I love it so much, that I feel God has a role for everyone in life, and his chosen role for me is to be that excellent lover, father, and family man, because of the way I live my life, and because of my passion to be a great lover and family man.

Dudes gotta be a great lover to have that roll off his tongue. Right? Eeesh. At first, none of this seemed all that odd to them. We all like nice things said to us, and while a bit hokey, this dudes dictation ain’t all that bad.  Further, when you are lonely, even a visit from one of those crazy religious sects can be soothing. This entire scene is a perfect opportunity for a predator to strike. To be continued on “My Identity Thief Loves Me (PTII)” where you can read the actual chats with the scammer.

Protect your identity:

  1. Get a credit freeze. Click on the preceding link and follow the steps for your particular state. This is an absolutely necessary tool to secure your credit. In most cases, it prevents new accounts from being opened in your name. This makes your Social Security number useless to a potential identity thief.
  2. Go to my website and get my FREE ebook on how to protect yourself from the bad guy.
  3. Invest in Intelius identity theft protection and prevention. Not all forms of identity theft can be prevented, but identity theft protection services can dramatically reduce your risk. (Disclosures)

Robert Siciliano Identity Theft Speaker discussing identity theft on Fox News

My Identity Thief Loves Me (PTII)

Robert Siciliano Identity Theft Expert

In “My Identity Thief Loves Me (PTI)” I brought you into my weird world of “research” into online dating scams. Here’s where I fell in love. I have been perused by “Kath Riss Green”. For whatever reason the scammers choose very WASPy names. But her picture was a hot Latina. She sent me a message via a social network I’m on. So I responded via a completely different profile I set up that had nothing to do with the original. And “she” didn’t seem to notice or care: I am “Ronn”.

1/17/10 Scammer: Hi,I saw your profile and wanted to say hello. Your very handsome and Id like to get to know you better.

1/18/10 Me: Hi back, you sent me an email on my profile. You look good to me. What is your name? Ronn.

1/19/10 Scammer: thanks for your email Ronn…..i’m kathline,i live and work in texas..i’m 30years,single and never with no kids,i love kids though.i would like to know more about you,where you from,what you do and many more…hope to read back from you, kathline

See the bad English and punctuation? The criminal hacker I wasted 4 hours with from Ghana wrote the exact same way.

1/19/10 Me: Hi Kath, I’m basically a nice guy… I want a woman to like me for who I am. I like eating pizza and I like to drink beer. I’m a little overweight.  I’m 5′ 2″ and 220 lbs, but my mom says Im handsome. What do you look like? Ronn

1/19/10 Scammer: Hello Ronn, How you doing an how was your day like?SO where you from?what do you do?are you married?got any kids?and what you ooking for?do you have any photo you can send to me?i would like you to tell me everything about yourself……….i’ve added you to my yahoo lit and hope to chat with you later on……attached are my pics.hope you will like them Kathline

1/19/10 Me: Wow, You’re very pretty! I’m from Massachusetts. My day was long I worked hard today. Gotta pay the bills! I work in an office as a word processor. Not married, one kid from when I was younger, his mom has him. Just looking for someone to love me like I love them. My camera dropped over the holidays and I need to get another one.  Do you have kids? Ronn

1/20/10 Scammer: Hi Ronn,sorry to hear about your day….wish i was there to keep your accompany….i’m also single,nerver maried with no kids..i love kids though,and i hope to have some with the right man someday..So tell me since when you’ve been doing online dating and how many woman have you meet online lately?what kind of relationship are you looking foir? Kathline

1/20/10 Me: No kids! Thats OK. Ive been doing the online dating thing for about 6 months. I just got a computer over the summer. i used to go to the library and use their computer, so Im new to this. All the women I have send messages to dont respond all that much. But you were nice to me first… Im looking for a relationship where the woman can be nice to me and treat me with respect, as I am nice to her and treat her with respect. I also wish that she can cook because I like to eat ALOT!!! LOL!!! Truly Ronn xoxoxox

I’m baiting

1/20/10: Hi Ronn,hhmmm….i guess i’m the one you’ve loking for all thiswhile…i’m someone who is loving,caring and God fearing,a down to earth type with great sense of humour..i love the out doors,i enjoy cooking,i like holding hands,kissing and cuddling….i wish things could ork out between us…..

It pisses me off when they weave the God thing in there. Heartless bastards!

1/22/10 Me: OMG THATs SO SWEET! You sound like my soul mate! Im sorry that I have not responded, I had to go away on business.  I would LOVE TO MEEET YOU!!!

1/22/10 Scammer: Ronn,I went to bed last night with a vision of you next to me. I slept like a baby all night, because I was not feeling alone.. When I awoke this morning to see if it was real or if it was a dream, realty hit me that it was only a dream. Very soon, I know that you will be right next me…i will also love to meet you for a weekend or so…..we can plan on meeting if you dont mind,i can come there but thaats if only we can both work the airfares together or what do you think?

Boom, 5 days into it and “airfare” comes up. I sound like a lonely desperate fool, I haven’t sent a picture, I’m built like a walrus. And Kath is dreaming about me. What a !@#$%^ SCUMBAG!

1/22/10 Me: Wow, this is wonderful! im flexible. I’ll do what you wish. Tell me what you would like to do.

1/23/10 Scammer: Jon said it will cost me 560$ to fly there and i cant afford it all…i dont know if you can make and half payment while i had up the rest..

Who the heck is Jon? I don’t even bother asking.

1/24/10 Me: Im happy to pay half. How do you want to do it? Ronn

1/24/10 Scammer: Awwww thanks then, i do appreciate that, just get the half down to jon so he can go ahead with the reservation, and you know we have to book in advance.. below is Jon Details for the payment. send it through western union, and get back to me with the MTCN, the name, of thw sender, and location of where money is sent. hope to read from you soon

Jon ***ardt

1325 ***pe dr,

Paris, TX 75462

One week, 2 idiots, 7 email exchanges, an opportunity to expose a complete azz@#%, PRICELESS.

Turns out, after further research “Jon” is a victim too. He is 54 and divorced. He has been duped by “Kath” as a money mule. So when the wired money goes to Jon, he sends to Kath.  Here is Kath

1/27/10 Me: Can I call you on the phone?

1/27/10 Scammer: Hello Ronn, WHy did it take you few days to get back to me?you just keep runing through my mind and my heart longfs to be with you….my phone got missing last weekend….so how you doing and how’s work being like?were you able to send the money..

Of course your “phone got missing last weekend” so how YOU doing? Jerk.

1/27/10 Me: Are you a complete scumbag scammer?

Then no more response. Was it something I said?

Protect your identity:

  1. Get a credit freeze. Click on the preceding link and follow the steps for your particular state. This is an absolutely necessary tool to secure your credit. In most cases, it prevents new accounts from being opened in your name. This makes your Social Security number useless to a potential identity thief.
  2. Go to my website and get my FREE ebook on how to protect yourself from the bad guy.
  3. Invest in Intelius identity theft protection and prevention. Not all forms of identity theft can be prevented, but identity theft protection services can dramatically reduce your risk. (Disclosures)

Robert Siciliano Identity Theft Speaker discussing identity theft on Fox News