Entries by Robert Siciliano

On the Internet, FREE is a Dangerous Four Letter Word

The wild, wild web is like any major metropolitan city. There are high-class neighborhoods, retail districts, theater districts, business centers, popular social areas, seedy red-light districts (in Boston we called this the Combat Zone), and bad, bad, BAD neighborhoods. Depending on where you go, you may pick up a virus or get bonked on the…

Log Out, Log Out, I repeat, LOG OUT

One of the most common yet underreported causes of data breaches is users’ failure to properly log out of public PCs. Is your work computer accessible to others, perhaps after business hours? How about your home computer? Does its use extend beyond your immediate family, to your kids’ friends or babysitters, for example? Do you…

$50 Million Van Gogh Stolen, No Alarm System

“A prized Vincent van Gogh still life was stolen from a Cairo museum  leading to a massive art hunt, conflicting reports about the details of the crime, and plenty of finger-pointing. Five people, meanwhile, have been arrested for “negligence” in relation to the embarrassing theft, which seems to have been carried out in the absence…

Subdivsion Residents Fighting for Security Camera

Condominium Association, Subdivision Association, or Neighborhood Association, whatever the name is, if you live in one and pay dues and have a board of directors that makes decisions for the community in regards to what you can and can’t do on a property, you probably feel my pain. I like that bush, I hate that…

Top 5 Credit/Debit Card Skimming Attacks

Credit card fraud is a multi-billion dollar industry. Skimming is one of the financial industry’s fastest-growing crimes, according to the U.S. Secret Service. ATM skimming alone is responsible for $350,000 of fraud daily exceeding a billion dollars in losses annually. Skimming can occur in a few different ways; Wedge Skimming The most common skim is when…

Victim Rebuilds Life After Identity Theft

This story is about a victim of criminal identity theft. The victim is a trucker who discovered that his identity had been stolen when his commercial driver’s license was suspended because the thief who stole his identity had been busted for drinking and driving on four different occasions. Imagine. The consequences of identity theft are often so overwhelming…

P2P File Sharing On College Campuses

Peer-to-peer file sharing, or P2P, has become enormously popular on college campuses across the country because it allows students to easily exchange music and video files over the Internet. Tens of millions of people use P2P applications such as Limewire, eDonkey, and BearShare to fill their MP3 players and hard drives with all the music…