Entries by Robert Siciliano

Removing Location data from Mobile Pics

Those cutesy photos in your phone of your puppy can reveal your location because the images leave footprints leading straight to your home. The trace data is called EXIF: exchangeable image file format. It may contain GPS coordinates of where you took the photos. Apple’s and Google’s smartphones ask owners if it’s okay to access…

8 Tips to Credit Card Security

Despite the fact that tens of millions of consumers were hit by the numerous big breaches, and tens of millions more by less sensationalized breaches, you can still take the reins and yield some protection for your credit cards. Make online payments with single-use or prepaid cards. What a great idea! If you have multiple…

Burglar Leaves Porn in Kid’s Bedroom

Maybe you’ve heard of burglars stealing porn…but leaving it at the victim’s house? A man in Salem, Oregon, broke into a woman’s apartment, leaving behind a porn video in a seven-year-old girl’s bedroom. Police think the man broke in earlier and hid in the girl’s closet, then made his move soon after midnight, replacing the…

Robert Siciliano Joins Identity Theft Resource Center Board of Directors

(San Diego, CA:  October 1, 2014) The Identity Theft Resource Center, a nationally recognized organization dedicated to the understanding of identity theft and related issues, announced today that Robert Siciliano, CEO of IDTheftSecurity.com, will serve on its Board of Directors.  Siciliano, with more than 30 years of experience in this field, will bring his vast knowledge…

How to see and boot off Someone using your WiFi

You were taught to share your toys as a young child, but this doesn’t apply to letting others use your Wi-Fi. The difference between sharing the plastic shovel and sharing the wireless connection is that with the latter, who’s to say that the “thief” won’t eventually crash in on your private information? And don’t forget…

USB Drives have serious Security Flaws

That little thing that you stick in your computer to store or transfer data can also mean very bad news. The USB device or “flash drive” can be reconfigured to work like a little thief, for instance, being made to mimic a keyboard and take instructions from the master thief to rip off data or…

Beware These College-Related Scams

The last group of college students has headed off to school for another semester of dorm rooms, late-night library sessions, and the occasional college party. For many students, college is the first time they’ve lived away from home. They are young, open to new things, and sometimes, naïve. These traits make them prime targets for…

Bolster your Belongings on TV and This is what happens

How did a burglar know that Theresa Roemer had a 3,000 square foot, three-level closet that was crammed full of very pricey items including jewels and furs? Well, apparently, he caught wind of the “she cave” on TV, then perhaps Google Earthed it and (believe it or not) the evening he decided to bust in,…

Identity thieves bombarding Call Centers

One out of 2,900 seems very small, but when there’s a total of 105 million…then this percentage stacks up in the end. It represents the frequency of calls from fraudsters made to call centers in an attempt to get customer account details so they could steal. Many times these crooks will succeed by conning phone…